Environment (Required on creation):
LDAP Authentication
Description (Required on creation; please attach any relevant screenshots, stacktraces, log files, etc. to the ticket):
I am trying to filter the list of LDAP groups in the group admin dashboard page using the "LIKE" operator. No matter what I put in, no groups ever show up in the results. I can only find a group using = and an exact match.
Steps to reproduce (Required on creation):
I was able to reproduce the bug reported by this customer following these steps (note I used a public LDAP: https://www.forumsys.com/2022/05/10/online-ldap-test-server/) :
- Connect Camunda to an LDAP server (my default.yml is below with a test ldap setup)
- Log in with any user that has admin access (in my case newton/password)
- Go to Groups
- Try to search using 'Name LIKE Math' - no results returned
Are you able to confirm this bug?
enabled: true
allowed-origins: "*"
enabled: true
enabled: true
server-url: ldap://ldap.forumsys.com:389
administrator-group-name: camunda-admin
accept-untrusted-certificates: true
manager-dn: cn=read-only-admin,dc=example,dc=com
manager-password: password
base-dn: dc=example,dc=com
user-search-base: ''
user-search-filter: (objectclass=inetOrgPerson)
user-id-attribute: uid
user-firstname-attribute: cn
user-lastname-attribute: sn
user-email-ttribute: mail
user-password-attribute: userpassword
group-search-base: ''
group-search-filter: (objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)
group-id-attribute: cn
group-name-attribute: cn
group-member-attribute: uniqueMember
sort-control-supported: false
Observed Behavior (Required on creation):
No groups are matched by the search
Expected behavior (Required on creation):
Groups should be found using LIKE
Root Cause (Required on prioritization):
We are sending a request with "%<searchString>%" to the backend. This is fine for DB-based groups. For LDAP however, we would have to use "*" instead of "%".
Solution Ideas (Optional):
- We make the webapps aware of what the wildcard character of the identity provider is
- We let the LDAP identity provider convert % to * in the like query parameters of user and group queries
- The web apps should not send the wildcarded LIKE String including "%" but rather the raw input from users. The backend has to take care of adding the right LIKE wildcards. => Careful: this would probably break the API
I'd like to offer another solution idea, since it is possible to have both LDAP groups and Local DB groups, perhaps the LIKE should try both and concatenate the findings?