Bug Report
Resolution: Won't Fix
L3 - Default
Environment (Required on creation):
OS: Any
Java/Maven/Gradle/IDE: Any
Database: H2 - Version [2.1.210,)
Description (Required on creation; please attach any relevant screenshots, stacktraces, log files, etc. to the ticket):
H2 database is used for unit tests; The lower versions of H2 have security issue and with newer versions, an exception occures when trying to start the process instance and complete the external task:
@Test public void testDummyExternalTask() { Map<String, Object> processVars = new HashMap<>(); processVars.put("var1", 1000002d); ProcessInstance instance = runtimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey("DUMMY_PROCESS_ID", processVars); assertThat(instance).isWaitingAt("DUMMY_TASK_ID").externalTask().hasTopicName("DUMMY_TOPIC_NAME"); complete(externalTask()); }
Exception message:
Cause: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Values of types "BOOLEAN" and "INTEGER" are not comparable;
an exception occures in Camunda Test API (org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.assertions.bpmn)
The full description and stack trace is in the attached file - error_log.txt
Steps to reproduce (Required on creation)
- create a client worker spring boot project for a camunda 7 engine to complete the external tasks.
- design a simple BPMN process with an external task
- attache the bpmn to the project source resources
- write a unit test using following packages and annotations: org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.assertions.bpmn.BpmnAwareTests, @ExtendWith(ProcessEngineCoverageExtension.class)
- The test method should create a ProcessInstance using runtimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey , check the external task and related topic and finally complete the task using complete(externalTask());
- Run the test the error occures in the H2 database of camunda engine for test.
A sample project can be found here https://github.com/camunda-consulting/camunda7-order-process-app
Observed Behavior (Required on creation):
An error occured:
### Cause: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Values of types "BOOLEAN" and "INTEGER" are not comparable; SQL statement:
Expected behavior (Required on creation):
The H2/SQL Syntax error in engine should not occur.
Root Cause (Required on prioritization):
Newer versions of H2 supports True/False for boolean values instead of integer values, the error happens when an integer value like 0 or 1 is used for boolean columns.
Solution Ideas (Optional):
The executed query on database should have "True/False" values for boolean columns and not 1 or 0.
Hints (optional):
If hibernate is used, this question on stackowerflow has a nice solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70716917/
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Boolean/Integer problem with H2 database in Test API
Bug Report
Resolution: Won't Fix
L3 - Default
Environment (Required on creation):
OS: Any
Java/Maven/Gradle/IDE: Any
Database: H2 - Version [2.1.210,)
Description (Required on creation; please attach any relevant screenshots, stacktraces, log files, etc. to the ticket):
H2 database is used for unit tests; The lower versions of H2 have security issue and with newer versions, an exception occures when trying to start the process instance and complete the external task:
@Test public void testDummyExternalTask() { Map<String, Object> processVars = new HashMap<>(); processVars.put("var1", 1000002d); ProcessInstance instance = runtimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey("DUMMY_PROCESS_ID", processVars); assertThat(instance).isWaitingAt("DUMMY_TASK_ID").externalTask().hasTopicName("DUMMY_TOPIC_NAME"); complete(externalTask()); }
Exception message:
Cause: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Values of types "BOOLEAN" and "INTEGER" are not comparable;
an exception occures in Camunda Test API (org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.assertions.bpmn)
The full description and stack trace is in the attached file - error_log.txt
Steps to reproduce (Required on creation)
- create a client worker spring boot project for a camunda 7 engine to complete the external tasks.
- design a simple BPMN process with an external task
- attache the bpmn to the project source resources
- write a unit test using following packages and annotations: org.camunda.bpm.engine.test.assertions.bpmn.BpmnAwareTests, @ExtendWith(ProcessEngineCoverageExtension.class)
- The test method should create a ProcessInstance using runtimeService().startProcessInstanceByKey , check the external task and related topic and finally complete the task using complete(externalTask());
- Run the test the error occures in the H2 database of camunda engine for test.
A sample project can be found here https://github.com/camunda-consulting/camunda7-order-process-app
Observed Behavior (Required on creation):
An error occured:
### Cause: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLSyntaxErrorException: Values of types "BOOLEAN" and "INTEGER" are not comparable; SQL statement:
Expected behavior (Required on creation):
The H2/SQL Syntax error in engine should not occur.
Root Cause (Required on prioritization):
Newer versions of H2 supports True/False for boolean values instead of integer values, the error happens when an integer value like 0 or 1 is used for boolean columns.
Solution Ideas (Optional):
The executed query on database should have "True/False" values for boolean columns and not 1 or 0.
Hints (optional):
If hibernate is used, this question on stackowerflow has a nice solution: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/70716917/