Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
Acceptance Criteria (Required on creation):
The installation guide for WebSphere Liberty mentions an artifact name that is not correct.
camunda-webapp-ee-was9-7.18.0-alpha6-ee.war <-- correct (shipped in the archive)
camunda-webapp-ee-7.18.0-alpha6-ee-was9.war <-- incorrect
With the camunda-ee-ibm-was9-7.17.0-ee archive we ship three artifacts:
- camunda-engine-rest-7.18.0-alpha6-ee-was9.war
- camunda-example-invoice-7.18.0-alpha6-ee.war
- camunda-webapp-ee-was9-7.18.0-alpha6-ee.war
The REST API artifact is the only one with a different format. The .ear application also has a comparable format (camunda-ibm-websphere-ear-7.18.0-alpha6-ee.ear).
Possible solutions
- Change the name of the REST API artifact to camunda-webapp-ee-7.18.0-alpha6-ee-was9.war.
- Change the installation guide to mention the correct artifact name.