Environment (Required on creation):
Camunda Platform 7.18.0
Description (Required on creation; please attach any relevant screenshots, stacktraces, log files, etc. to the ticket):
- When defining a form with a multi-select component that has static options (cf. attached screenshot)
- AND a to-be-bound variable of type Json or Json serialized Object is yet not created in C7
The form is submitted.
- A new variable is created that contains the user selection, but the wrong type String is assigned.
- Camunda Forms cannot display the data entered by the user since the variable is not parsed to JSON.
Steps to reproduce (Required on creation):
- Deploy the attached form and BPMN model
- In Tasklist, start a process instance, make a selection, and click the "Start" button
- In Tasklist, navigate to the created User Task
Observed Behavior (Required on creation):
The previously entered data is not reflected in the form.
Expected behavior (Required on creation):
The previously entered data is reflected in the form.
Root Cause (Required on prioritization):
The implementation only creates a Json-typed variable for dynamic multi-select components, which form definition has a valuesKey.
Solution Ideas (Optional):
Create a Json-typed variable for multi-select types, that form definition has static options.
Hints (optional):
This ticket was migrated to github: https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform/issues/2817. Please use this link for any future references and continue any discussion there.