- Schema for Camunda tables != User Schema of Username/Password of Datasource
- Then you have to configure the Schema Name
- Only possibility to do this currently is to set TablePrefix: "SCHEMA."
- This works well for MyBatis Statements (SELECT ${prefix}ACT_...).
- It does NOT work for checking the existence of the tables - because there the Schema name AND TablePrefix is taken into account with leads to table name "${schema}.${prefix}TableName".
- Set property "databaseSchemaUpdate " to an non existing value (database checking is skipped completely):
ProcessEngineConfiguration.databaseSchemaUpdate = "NOOP"
In the shared engine configuration this looks like:
<property name="databaseSchemaUpdate">NOOP</property>
<property name="databaseTablePrefix">SCHEMA_NAME.</property>
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is related to
CAM-3626 Check for table presence fails when a schema table prefix is used
- Closed