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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-2871

Provide Type and Description of Case Execution via API (REST and Java)


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: L3 - Default L3 - Default
    • 7.2.0
    • None
    • cmmn model api, engine

      Current Case Execution API endpoint can be queried to retrieve the Case Execution (GET URL/case-execution). The answer consists the following JSON structure. For example:
      [{id: "3a93f7ee-5057-11e4-951d-58ff20524153",
      caseInstanceId: "3a930d8d-5057-11e4-951d-58ff20524153",
      caseDefinitionId: "Werkstatt_besuchen:1:31cf516b-5055-11e4-951d-58ff20524153",
      activityId: "PIhumanCreateCustomerOrder",
      activityName: "Kundenauftrag erfassen",
      parentId: "3a930d8d-5057-11e4-951d-58ff20524153",
      enabled: true,
      active: false,
      disabled: false


      This is perfectly fine, but if you are building a case UI, it is very helpful to know the type of the execution (HUMAN TASK, CASE TASK, PROCESS TASK, STAGE, CASE) and the description. Since this information is available, it would be very nice to access to it via API:

      [{id: "3a930d8d-5057-11e4-951d-58ff20524153", caseInstanceId: "3a930d8d-5057-11e4-951d-58ff20524153", caseDefinitionId: "Werkstatt_besuchen:1:31cf516b-5055-11e4-951d-58ff20524153", activityId: "caseDefCarShop", activityName: null, parentId: null, enabled: false, active: true, disabled: false, type: "HUMANTASK", description: "Erfassen von Kunden- und Fahrzeugdaten sowie des Kundenwunsches"}, {...}


        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              sebastian.menski Sebastian Menski
              Simon.Zambrovski@holisticon.de Simon Zambrovski
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
