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    • Icon: Bug Report Bug Report
    • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
    • Icon: L3 - Default L3 - Default
    • 7.3.0, 7.3.0-alpha3
    • None
    • engine
    • None

      The ordering of a query (e.g. tasks by name) isn't working on DB2 zOS 10. For example the query:

      SELECT SUB.* FROM ( select distinct RES.* , row_number() over (ORDER BY RES.NAME_ asc) rnk FROM ( select distinct RES.* from TRK_ACT_RU_TASK RES WHERE RES.NAME_ like ? )RES ) SUB WHERE SUB.rnk >= ? AND SUB.rnk < ? 

      is missing an additional outer ORDER BY SUB.rnk statement.

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app


              • Icon: Bug Report Bug Report
              • Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
              • Icon: L3 - Default L3 - Default
              • 7.3.0, 7.3.0-alpha3
              • None
              • engine
              • None

                The ordering of a query (e.g. tasks by name) isn't working on DB2 zOS 10. For example the query:

                SELECT SUB.* FROM ( select distinct RES.* , row_number() over (ORDER BY RES.NAME_ asc) rnk FROM ( select distinct RES.* from TRK_ACT_RU_TASK RES WHERE RES.NAME_ like ? )RES ) SUB WHERE SUB.rnk >= ? AND SUB.rnk < ? 

                is missing an additional outer ORDER BY SUB.rnk statement.

                  This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

                        smirnov Roman Smirnov
                        sebastian.menski Sebastian Menski
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        2 Start watching this issue


                              smirnov Roman Smirnov
                              sebastian.menski Sebastian Menski
                              0 Vote for this issue
                              2 Start watching this issue
