If a Join-ParallelGateway will be reached during the process execution and the correspoding gateway inside the Bpmn Xml has an attribute asyncAfter="true", then three jobs will created:
- two jobs with job handler configuration activity-end and
- one job with job handler configuration transition-notify-listener-take$anSequenceFlowId
If both jobs with the job handler configuration activity-end will be executed before the other job, then the process instance will be marked as completed in the history and in the runtime there does not exist a corresponding execution (and the third job has been deleted too).
Expected behavior:
In such a case it is deterministic in which order the jobs will be executed, so that the process will be executed properly.
See failing testcase: https://github.com/camunda/camunda-bpm-platform/commit/572de53b2ebffc1bc4364eff2a435d8375eb66e2