Bug Report
Resolution: Won't Fix
L3 - Default
When retrieving a transition instance, its ID may change although in fact the very same transition instance still exists. This may lead to confusing behavior when working with the activity/transition instance tree.
ActivityInstance activityInstance = runtimeService.getActivityInstance(processInstance.getId()); TransitionInstance transitionInstance = findTransitionInstanceIn(activityInstance); runtimeService.cancelTransitionInstance(transitionInstance.getId());
The last instruction may fail although the transition instance (aka async job) still exists.
Impact on Cockpit:
When multiple users inspect a process instance at the same time and both try to modify the instance (not necessarily in parallel), modification may fail due to this bug.
The reason is execution tree expansion/compaction and the implementation that uses the IDs of the executions performing the async job as the transition instance ID. After expansion/compaction, the execution may be a different one and in effect, the transition instance ID has changed.
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Issue Links
- is related to
CAM-4090 Cannot cancel transition instances when execution tree is expanded/compacted in same transaction
- Closed