Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
The existing DeploymentBuilder is extended with the following API methods:
- addDeploymentResources(String deploymentId): All existings resources of the given deployment are added to the new deployment and are re-deployed
- addDeploymentResourceById(String deploymentId, String resourceId): A given deployment resource specified by id and deployment id is added to the new deployment and is re-deployed
- addDeploymentResourcesById(String deploymentId, String List<String> resourceIds): All given deployment resources specified by id and deployment id are added to the new deployment and are re-deployed
- addDeploymentResourceByName(String deploymentId, String resourceName): A given deployment resource specified by name and deployment id is added to the new deployment and is re-deployed
- addDeploymentResourcesByName(String deploymentId, String List<String> resourceNames): All given deployment resources specified by name and deployment id are added to the new deployment and are re-deployed
- nameFromDeployment(String deployment): Retrieves the deployment from the given deployment (cannot be used in combination with name())
There exists also a REST endpoint:
POST /deployment/{id}/redeploy Request Body: { resourceIds: [ "a-resource-id", "another-resource-id" ], resourceNames: [ "a-resource-name", "another-resource-name" ], source: "cockpit" }