Bug Report
Resolution: Added to backlog
L3 - Default
- A decision table is evaluated but it has not input or output values, (for example see attached DMN file)
- If you query for the historic decision instances including input and outputs like:
List<HistoricDecisionInstance> decisions = BpmPlatform.getDefaultProcessEngine().getHistoryService().createHistoricDecisionInstanceQuery() .decisionDefinitionKey(decisionDefinitionKey) .includeOutputs() .list();
and then try to access the outputs or inputs there will be an exception
for (HistoricDecisionInstance decision : decisions) {
List<HistoricDecisionOutputInstance> outputs = decision.getOutputs();
Caused by: org.camunda.bpm.engine.ProcessEngineException: ENGINE-03061 The output instances for the historic decision instance are not fetched. You must call 'includeOutputs()' on the query to enable fetching.
- if the input/outputs are fetch during the query but are empty an empty list will be returned by getInputs and getOutputs instead of an exception
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is related to
CAM-5511 Matching rules with an empty output cannot be identified in history
- Closed