Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
- I set an expression on a call activity for the tenant-id of the process definition
- I can specify the tenant-id of the definition or that the definition has no tenant id
- I can set the expression using the Model API and the camunda Modeler (create an issue)
- same for case instance
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is depended on by
CAM-5564 Provide a predefined method to use the Tenant Id of the overridden Definition
- Closed
- is related to
CAM-5229 A Call Activity start a Process / Case Instance from the same Tenant-Id
- Closed
CAM-5414 I can specify the Tenant Id of the Decision Definition on a Business Rule Task
- Closed
CAM-5415 I can specify the Tenant Id of the Process / Case / Decision Definition on a Process / Case / Decision Task
- Closed
- links to
(1 links to)