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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-5829

Parallel Multi Instance Call Activity with in/out-mapping does not complete

      Steps to reproduce:
      1) create a process model containing a parallel multi instance call activity as follows:

      <bpmn:callActivity calledElement="testProcess">
          <camunda:in variables="all" />
          <camunda:out variables="all" />
          <bpmn:loopCardinality xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">2</bpmn:loopCardinality>

      2) start a process instance of it

      The variables nrOfInstances, nrOfActiveInstances, nrOfCompletedInstances and loopCounter are passed to called process instance. When the called process instance finishes, then these variables are passed back to the calling process instance. So that these variables will set to their origin values in the calling process instance. This leads to the problem, that the nrOfActiveInstances will never be set to zero, so that the parallel multi instance behavior cannot complete.

      A solution could be at least not to pass the variables nrOfActiveInstances and nrOfCompletedInstances to the called process instance, because the parallel multi instance behavior relies on these variables.
      See also: https://forum.camunda.org/t/instance-gets-stuck-if-parallel-multi-instance-on-call-process-has-output-mapping-for-all/456

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

            Uploaded image for project: 'camunda BPM'
            1. camunda BPM
            2. CAM-5829

            Parallel Multi Instance Call Activity with in/out-mapping does not complete

                Steps to reproduce:
                1) create a process model containing a parallel multi instance call activity as follows:

                <bpmn:callActivity calledElement="testProcess">
                    <camunda:in variables="all" />
                    <camunda:out variables="all" />
                    <bpmn:loopCardinality xsi:type="bpmn:tFormalExpression">2</bpmn:loopCardinality>

                2) start a process instance of it

                The variables nrOfInstances, nrOfActiveInstances, nrOfCompletedInstances and loopCounter are passed to called process instance. When the called process instance finishes, then these variables are passed back to the calling process instance. So that these variables will set to their origin values in the calling process instance. This leads to the problem, that the nrOfActiveInstances will never be set to zero, so that the parallel multi instance behavior cannot complete.

                A solution could be at least not to pass the variables nrOfActiveInstances and nrOfCompletedInstances to the called process instance, because the parallel multi instance behavior relies on these variables.
                See also: https://forum.camunda.org/t/instance-gets-stuck-if-parallel-multi-instance-on-call-process-has-output-mapping-for-all/456

                  This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

                        roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                        roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        2 Start watching this issue


                              roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                              roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                              0 Vote for this issue
                              2 Start watching this issue
