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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-7987

Improve API to get a report about cleanable historic instances

    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: L3 - Default L3 - Default
    • 7.8.0, 7.8.0-alpha2
    • None
    • engine
    • None

      To get a report about cleanable historic process instances, the Java API looks like this:

      HistoryService historyService = ...;
      HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport report = historyService.createHistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport();
      List<HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReportResult> result = report.list();

      The interface HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport just exposes the method #list() and nothing else.

      There are two options how the API could look like:

      1) HistoryService#getCleanableHistoricProcessInstanceReport()
      It exists a simple method in the HistoryService which exposes the function #getCleanableHistoricProcessInstanceReport(), which directly returns a list of HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReportResult

      2) HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport extends the Query interface
      Then HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport must implement #list(), #listPage() etc. With that approach the cleanable report API behaves in the same like it behaves in cases a HistoricProcessInstanceQuery. In addition, some filter criteria can be defined like #processDefinitionIdIn() etc.

      We should go for the second approach.

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

            Uploaded image for project: 'camunda BPM'
            1. camunda BPM
            2. CAM-7987

            Improve API to get a report about cleanable historic instances

              • Icon: Task Task
              • Resolution: Fixed
              • Icon: L3 - Default L3 - Default
              • 7.8.0, 7.8.0-alpha2
              • None
              • engine
              • None

                To get a report about cleanable historic process instances, the Java API looks like this:

                HistoryService historyService = ...;
                HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport report = historyService.createHistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport();
                List<HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReportResult> result = report.list();

                The interface HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport just exposes the method #list() and nothing else.

                There are two options how the API could look like:

                1) HistoryService#getCleanableHistoricProcessInstanceReport()
                It exists a simple method in the HistoryService which exposes the function #getCleanableHistoricProcessInstanceReport(), which directly returns a list of HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReportResult

                2) HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport extends the Query interface
                Then HistoricFinishedProcessInstanceReport must implement #list(), #listPage() etc. With that approach the cleanable report API behaves in the same like it behaves in cases a HistoricProcessInstanceQuery. In addition, some filter criteria can be defined like #processDefinitionIdIn() etc.

                We should go for the second approach.

                  This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

                        roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                        roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                        0 Vote for this issue
                        1 Start watching this issue


                              roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                              roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
                              0 Vote for this issue
                              1 Start watching this issue
