Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
User stories
- In TaskContext I can complete tasks, handle failures, handle bpmn errors
- In TaskContext I can use variables (get) and set variables on task completion
- all variables or a defined set of variables can be retrieved according to the name per client#registerWorker#variables
- I can configure the thread pool through application servers
- I can use the CamundaClient fluent builder to pass basic authentication credentials
- I can enable the priority flag per CamundaClient#create#usePriority /
I can enable the priority flag per client#registerWorker#usePriority - I can see/report if a task could not be successfully completed due to the expiration of the lock duration
- I can create/delete deployments and start process instances
- I can read documentation about the java client for external tasks
- CI / SRE
- Tests are executed
- Artefact is publicly available
See prototype on
- CamundaClient#create returns a fluent builder to init the client with
- endpoint url (mandatory), client id, max tasks per fetch and lock request, async respose timeout
- queue size, number of worker threads => thread pool to execute Worker objects
- CamundaClient#build returns the configured CamundaClient object
- client#registerWorker returns a fluent builder to register a new worker with
- topic name, lock duration, Worker object supposed to be executed, filter for variables by name (all variables if not invoked)
- client#build
- adds the configured registration object to the WorkManager
- returns the registration object WorkerRegistration
- WorkerRegistration#remove removes the registration from WorkManager
- TaskContext provides methods the user can invoke in the customized Worker implementation
- methods are applied to a task which belongs to a task topic
- TaskContext#getTaskId
- TaskContext#complete
- TaskContext#handleFailure
- TaskContext#handleBpmnError
TaskContext#setVariable? => complete- TaskContext#extendLock
- TaskContext#getVariable
- provide getters according to LockedExternalTask (e. g. worker id, topic name, retries, etc.)
- WorkManager
- holds a list of all WorkerRegistration s (registered workers)
- this list is considered when tasks are being fetched and locked
- has a singleton thread which is supposed to fetch and lock tasks
- the respective runnable realizes the acquisition of external tasks (fetch and lock)
- long polling realizes the back off strategy
- has a thread pool which is supposed to execute Worker objects
- has a default configuration in terms of number of threads and queue size
- can be alternatively configured via the fluent builder of the CamundaClient
- holds a list of all WorkerRegistration s (registered workers)
- FetchAndLockTasksRunnable
- is supposed to fetch and lock tasks based on WorkerRegistration s of WorkManager
- one acquisition cycle contains the following steps:
- POST /external-task/fetchAndLock
- request is performed with the information of all workers which has been registered (topic objects)
- request is configured additionaly to the topic objects with the maximum number of tasks, the worker id and the async response timeout
- it exists a sensible default configuration
- Response
- for each fetched task a WorkerTask object is created and added to the thread pool
- each WorkerTask object consists of the respective external task dto, the command executor and the Worker object
- POST /external-task/fetchAndLock
- WorkerTask
- for each fetched task an object of this class is created
- object holds task id, task variables, Worker object
- is a runnable that provides the context for the thread pool to execute the Worker object
- WorkerTask#run invokes the method of the worker specific custom object to do the work
- implements the TaskContext interface which provides methods which can be used in Worker object (e. g. complete task, handle failure, set variable, get variable)
- ClientCommandContext provides methods for the HTTP interaction and marshalling
- ClientCommandExecutor implementation of abstract HTTP methods
- change wording: registration to subscription
- back off
- jdk
- authentication
- zeebe naming conventions
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Issue Links
- depends on
CAM-8803 I can bootstrap the external task client
- Closed
CAM-8804 I can subscribe to a topic with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8806 I can unsubscribe a topic with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8807 I can stop the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8808 I can fetch and lock tasks with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8809 I can complete a task with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8810 I can handle failure with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8811 I can handle bpmn error with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8812 I can extend lock time of a task with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8813 I can unlock a task with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8814 I can receive and respond variables of primitive types with the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8815 I can add custom interceptors for authentication to the java external task client
- Closed
CAM-8816 I can read documentation about the java client for external tasks
- Closed
CAM-8823 Exceptions are centralised at one place for the java external task client
- Closed