Feature Request
Resolution: Won't Fix
L3 - Default
before 2.3.0 we had camunda-bom-springboot-starter-bom which listed all components and allowed a simplified and version safe dependency management.
This question: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49488897/where-is-camunda-sprig-boot-starter-bom-2-3-0 brought my attention to the fact that it is not longer present (which I expected) but the artifacts are also not part of the camunda-bom#7.8.0 (which I would have expected).
I think having the artifacts available via bom is a great help with maven, so we should add them with 7.9
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- is related to
CAM-10687 Artifact versions of Camunda Spring Boot Starter must be defined multiple times in project pom
- Closed