Goal: Refactor the E2E Test Suit for the enterprise platform in order to stabilize tests that are running in the CI and to prevent false negatives.
- Update the version of chromedriver to be able to run the tests in a headless mode against chrome
- Relocate the complete test suit to the camunda-bpm-platform-ee repository. No dependency to camunda-bpm-webapp
- Focus the tests on GUI elements instead of simulating complex user interaction
- refactor page objects in order to simplify the use of the test suit
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Webapps E2E Test Refactoring
Goal: Refactor the E2E Test Suit for the enterprise platform in order to stabilize tests that are running in the CI and to prevent false negatives.
- Update the version of chromedriver to be able to run the tests in a headless mode against chrome
- Relocate the complete test suit to the camunda-bpm-platform-ee repository. No dependency to camunda-bpm-webapp
- Focus the tests on GUI elements instead of simulating complex user interaction
- refactor page objects in order to simplify the use of the test suit