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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-9122

Using the Rest-API Optimize can't perform custom queries against the engine



      • Using the Rest-API Optimize can perform custom queries against the engine for the following entities:
        • historic activity instances
        • historic variable instances
        • historic process instances
      • the custom SQL-queries work on all databases (e.g. in Oracle there is not LIMIT keyword)
      • the whole implementation is not in the public package and should not be documented
      • if authorization is enabled and the request is done with basic authentication, only users that have admin rights or READ_HISTORY/ALL permission on the Process definition and Process Instance resource can perform queries. If the use is not authorized, he receives an appropriate response telling the user that.
      • all the Optimize specific files are in the impl packages and not exposed via public api

      Currently, Optimize uses the standard REST-API of the engine. However, those perform authorization checks against the database, distinct selects and do other stuff that make the sql queries very complicated and for a lot of scenarios very slow. To speed that up Optimize should get its own endpoint, where the queries are a lot simpler.

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              roman.smirnov Roman Smirnov
              johannes.heinemann Johannes
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
