The job acquisition query performs an exists subquery to ensure that no other exclusive jobs are currently locked. This subquery uses select *. It should use select 1 instead, which saves a table access.
SELECT sub.* FROM ( SELECT res.*, Row_number( ) OVER ( ORDER BY res.priority_ DESC) rnk FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT res.* FROM ACT_RU_JOB res WHERE ( res.retries_ > 0 ) AND ( res.duedate_ IS NULL OR res.duedate_ <= @P0 ) AND ( res.lock_owner_ IS NULL OR res.lock_exp_time_ < @P1 ) AND res.suspension_state_ = 1 AND ( res.deployment_id_ IS NULL OR ( res.deployment_id_ IN ( @P2, @P3, @P4, @P5, @P6, @P7, @P8, @P9, @P10, @P11, @P12, @P13, @P14, @P15, @P16, @P17, @P18, @P19, @P20, @P21, @P22, @P23, @P24 ) ) ) AND ( ( res.exclusive_ = 1 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT j2.* FROM ACT_RU_JOB j2 WHERE j2.process_instance_id_ = res.process_instance_id_ -- from the same proc. inst. AND ( j2.exclusive_ = 1 ) -- also exclusive AND ( j2.lock_owner_ IS NOT NULL AND j2.lock_exp_time_ >= @P25 ) -- in progress ) ) OR res.exclusive_ = 0 ) )res ) sub WHERE sub.rnk >= @P26 AND sub.rnk < @P27 ORDER BY sub.rnk
SELECT j2.* is where it is at.