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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-9994

I can define a BPMN Error Throw Event with an error message



      A user has two different Error End Events, each referencing a different <error /> and a "catch-all" error start event in an event subprocess. Since the start event can catch two different errors, the user wants to reason about which error has been caught by the start event by storing error code and error message as variables. While it is currently possible to specify an error message when throwing an error from delegation code with new BpmnError(code, message) it is not possible to do so when defining the error end event.

      Feature Description


      • An error end event which references a BPMN Error definition with camunda:errorMessage defined as in the following example:: <bpmn:error id="Error_1x1ymni" name="INVALID_DATA" errorCode="1231" camunda:errorMessage="The data provided is invalid" />
      • An error start event which uses camunda:errorMessageVariable="foo"


      The end event is executed


      The start event is triggered and after executing it, the variable foo contains the value "The data provided is invalid".

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

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              nikola.koevski Nikola Koevski
              nikola.koevski Nikola Koevski
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