For the new collection "Data Source" page we need a way to query the scope of a collection directly. Further in the final design the scope does not contain versions anymore.
The correct definition name will be extracted in a later ticket OPT-2890
- a new endpoint `GET /api/collection/:id/scope` is added that returns the scope entries of the collection
- a collectionEntry consists of definitionType, definitionKey & a list of tenants (versions are to be removed)
- the entries are filtered by the current users engine permissions
- unauthorized definitions are removed from the result
- a scope entry is visible if the current user is authorized to at least one tenant of the scope entry
- entries are ordered by type first (processes first, then decisions) and within the type alphabetically (a-z).
- the definition of the scope equals the definition key
- the new endpoint is documented & exising scope documentation updated in terms of the removed `versions` property