With OPT-2777, we added the License page to the React build. In order to remove the standalone license page, the backend needs to change it's behavior when no valid license is present. The current behavior is a redirect to the static license page. Instead, api calls need to return a 403 response code
- If there is no valid license stored, any request against the API returns 403 Forbidden
- The 403 response body contains a JSON error object. The errorCode property must be set to noLicenseStoredError
- This should also affect the public api functions (e.g. sharing)
- The following resources should be accessible without a license:
- all HTML, JS, CSS and font resources
- the ui-configuration
- the import status websocket
- the localization files
- the validate and store license endpoints
- The meta endpoint is removed
- The license.html, license.js and licenseStyles.css files are removed from /client/public
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- depends on
OPT-2777 Move license page handling to front-end
- Done