Feature Part
Resolution: Done
L3 - Default
See parent task:
CRUD Rest API to add camunda processes as sources for event mappingAlter the existing event process mapping API to also update the event source entries list- a camunda process entry is defined by the following properties
- processDefinitionKey
- version (ALL, LATEST, one or multiple)
- tenant (one or multiple)
- traceId location (businessKey or variable), see https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/9NVNSR3EPJM#/screens/402372057
- eventScope: ALL, START_END, PROCESS_INSTANCE, see https://projects.invisionapp.com/share/9NVNSR3EPJM#/screens/402372057
- users can only add camunda processes they are authorized to access by the engine
- there can be only one entry per processDefinitionKey
- a camunda process entry is defined by the following properties
- the API is documented in the event based process section
- there will also be a RestDto which includes the processDefinitionNameĀ