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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5394

Dashboard+Report config import API to improve integration and automation


      What is the desired functionality that you are missing?

      As a Software Developer / DevOps I can use Optimize REST API to import Reports and Dashboards into Optimize.

      Which problem are you going to solve with this functionality?

      Today Optimize allows to manually export and import JSON specifications of Reports and Dashboards. With OPT-4686 this will be extended to Collections (including Alerts and Data Sources) as well. Another ticket will cover alerts.

      The problem is that this is a manual process, even though especially when using multiple stages of environments, it can become very time-consuming to do this manually. Offering an API for this action (mainly for importing) can speed up import. 

      The main reason why users would like to do this is to make sure that Optimize entities stay in sync across environments. The important detail is that this is true for certain Dashboards and Reports, but in higher environments (like Prod) there can be also Reports and Dashboards that do not exist in lower environments (like Dev).

      We expect a mixture of

      • pre-defined Dashboards and Reports that have been created in Staging environments and have been agreed upon across Stakeholders 
      • newly created Dashboards and Reports in Prod environment that are created in an ad-hoc way for analysis and sharing

      Hint: Some users are additionally requesting that they would like to just drop reports in a folder that Optimize scans during import. This could be considered during kick-off if and when it should be implemented. The alternative is to implement a script

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              Unassigned Unassigned
              felix.mueller Felix Mueller
              Helene Waechtler Helene Waechtler
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