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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-5682

Community language packs for Optimize


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      Please describe the missing / desired functionality:

      Community language packs for Optimize Labels and What's new.

      What problem would the feature solve?

      Some companies do their own in-house translation. New terms (in the en.json file) need to be translated by their linguistics department. 

      The diff is hard to spot, missing labels cause Optimize to crash, and the linguistics team takes a while to respond.

      As a result, this introduces latency and instability during version upgrade, especially when terms are introduced.


      We can reduce the pain by providing a diff of terms with the upgrade guide.

      We should consider allowing contributions from Camundos and the community in the mindset of https://github.com/camunda/camunda-webapp-translations



      • There is a community maintained github repo for non-en and de localisation files
        • Include README to explain that this is for other languages
        • (Optional) include copying over en and de files as part of the release process. Could also eventually automate this
      • Our documentation points users to this repo on the localisation section
      • Our release guide includes instruction to keep this updated on new preview/minor release
      • Our release guide includes instruction to put a message in #prj-translation-team when the en file is ready to be translated

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

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              eric.lundberg Eric Lundberg
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