Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
L3 - Default
Not defined
2 - Flawed
Problem Definition
User Story
As a process owner
I want to be notified of changes in goal status
So that I can respond quickly
PM Notes (Customer requests, context, assumptions)
- Assumption: Customers expect a single overview of all their alerts
- Assumption: Customers will set an average of 6-10 goals per process
- Assumption: Email-based alerts are sufficient for our users. They do not need webhooks in the MVP
Solution Definition
Solution Ideas
As this is an MVP the target quality is flawed.
It is possible to set alerts on configured goals.
Goals alert modal displays a list of goals.
It is possible to hide a goal in the alert modal.
If a goal is hidden from display in the goals modal. It is removed from selection in the alerts modal.
Hiding subgoals removes them from the alert.
Deleting goals deletes the alert.
There is no user messaging of the above.
Design Notes (Videos, mockups, guidance)
User Scenario
GIVEN I have set a business goal
AND I am on the Processes page
(MH) THEN an option to set alerts on the business goal is provided
GIVEN I have set goals
(MH) THEN the alert button opens the alert modal
(MH) AND there is no option to create multiple alerts
GIVEN I have begun to set an alert
(MH) THEN a list of goals is provided
(SH) AND all goals default to selected
(MH) AND at least 1 goal must be selected to be valid
(NTH) An alert name field is provided and pre-filled with the process name
(MH) AND a time picker is provided
(SH) AND the time picker defaults to every hour
(MH) AND an email address is provided
(SH) AND the email address defaults to the process owner
(SH) AND it is possible to add additional recipients
(MH) AND a reminder notification configuration is provided
(SH) AND the reminder notification configuration defaults to enabled, every 1 day
(NTH) AND a target system is provided (PLATFORM ONLY)
(NTH) AND the target system defaults to email
(NTH) AND a resolution notification option is provided
(NTH) AND the resolution notification option defaults to enabled
GIVEN I have configured alerts
(MH) AND the alerts are valid
(MH) THEN I can save alerts
WHEN an alert state changes
(MH) THEN a notification email is sent, as configured
WHEN a goal is hidden in the goal setting modal
(MH) THEN that goal is removed from the alert list
(MH) AND there are no alerts sent for that goal
User does not see a message about the removal of that goal
WHEN a hidden goal is displayed again
(MH) THEN that goal is re-added to the alert list
(MH) AND the alert again becomes active for that goal
User does not see a message about the re-added goal
WHEN I try to delete a goal
(SH) AND an alert references the active goal
(SH) THEN I must acknowledge that the alert will be deleted for that goal
(SH) THEN that alert is deleted
(SH) AND the user must set new goals to enable alert setting
WHEN a user deletes an alert
(MH) THEN that alert is no longer active
(MH) AND the user is able to configure a new alert
Metrics (if applicable)
- Percent of processes with alerts enabled
- Number of goal alerts sent
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- depends on
OPT-5943 Time-Based Goal Setting
- Done