Uploaded image for project: 'Camunda Optimize'
  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-6185 Process Onboarding UX Prototype Iteration #1
  3. OPT-6190

"Magic Link" to automatically create a pre-configured collection and a dashboard for a process


    • L

      Upon clicking on this link for a specific process in modeler (e.g. from an email):

      1. Check if an Optimize Collection already exists for this project, if not create it
      2. Create a Dashboard and add it to the collection above
      3. Take user directly to the newly created Dashboard
      4. Make sure to pass the appropriate query string parameters to trigger the app-cues (check with eric.lundberg which parameter is necessary)

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

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              giuliano.rodrigues-lima Giuliano Rodrigues Lima
              Giuliano Rodrigues Lima Giuliano Rodrigues Lima
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