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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-6214

Incorporate KPIs into Performance Dashboard



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      Problem Definition

      User Story

      As a new user
      I want to immediately see KPIs
      So that I can easily customize them and create more

      Use Cases

      • Learn how to create KPIs
      • Learn how to use percentiles
      • Have a basic set of KPIs to seed the processes page

      PM Notes (Customer requests, context, assumptions)

      Update the Process Performance Dashboard by adding 5 KPI reports an updating the "Is my process within control" report

      1. Process instances completed within last 30 days (goal 200)
      2. P75 process instance duration (goal 1 day)
      3. P99 process instance duration (goal 7 days)
      4. % process instances completing within 7 days (goal 99%)
      5. % process instances with no incidents (goal 99%)
      6. P99, P90, P75, P50 process instance duration grouped by week

        Add new reports to the template list
      7. % process instances reaching a defined flow node - Success Rate (edit filter to only show successful end events)
      8. % process instances not passing through a user task - Automation Rate (edit filter to exclude user tasks)
      9. P75 process instance duration (goal 1 day)
      10. % process instances completing within 7 days (goal 99%)
      11. % process instances with no incidents (goal 99%)

      Solution Definition

      Solution Ideas

      Update templates

      Design Notes (Videos, mockups, guidance)


      User Scenario

      GIVEN I am creating a dashboard
      WHEN I select the Process Performance Dashboard
      THEN I see an updated set of reports (see notes above)

      GIVEN I am creating a report
      WHEN I am viewing the template list
      THEN an updated set of reports is available

      Metrics (if applicable)

      • Supports a higher number of KPI reports created


        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app


          1. image-2022-05-24-09-55-42-722.png
            84 kB
            Eric Lundberg
          2. image-2022-05-24-09-55-50-388.png
            112 kB
            Eric Lundberg
          3. image-2022-05-24-10-44-33-003.png
            114 kB
            Eric Lundberg



              Unassigned Unassigned
              eric.lundberg Eric Lundberg
              Eric Lundberg Eric Lundberg
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              1 Start watching this issue


