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  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-6495

Notify user before creating default dashboard



    • Not defined


      Problem Definition

      In the process page, clicking on the “view” button on one of the list items automatically creates a new default dashboard for the process. This is a bit unintuitive because we do not mention anything to the user that we are going to create that dashboard for you.

      User Story

      As an Optimize User
      I want to be asked whether to create the new default dashboard or not
      So that i always have control on what is being created

      PM Notes (Customer requests, context, assumptions)

      Solution Definition

      When i try to view the default dashboard the first time by clicking the "view" link on the processes page, I get asked whether i want to create it or not.
      After creating the default process dashboard, the user is not asked anymore to create one when clicking the "view" link.

      Related documents

      https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPOE4tcQ=/?share_link_id=780023722194 (password is "password")

      Solution Ideas

      To figure out if the user already created the dashboard or not, we have three options that we need to explore: 

      1. use the appcues parameter in the mangement link URL (it seems to be removed from the link after clicking the link the first time)(removed with #OPT-6493)
      2. use the KPI values
      3. extend the backend endpoint to return a field that indicates if the default dashboard already been created. 

      We need to check the three options and figure out what is the best one.

      Testing Notes:
      See Solution definition


        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app


          Issue Links



                Unassigned Unassigned
                omran.abazeed Omran Abazeed
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