Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version modeler 2.5.0 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-1863] - NPE when I open compare mode for synchronized projects
  • [CAM-1872] - type search broken when bpmn file is opened with modeler
  • [CAM-2099] - Cannot delete pool

Feature Request

  • [CAM-1580] - As modelling user, I can set an exclusive flag
  • [CAM-1671] - I can edit the follow up date for user tasks on the properties panel
  • [CAM-1786] - I can edit the message for a receive task on the properties panel
  • [CAM-1807] - I can add extension elements to all BPMN elements


  • [CAM-273] - Attribute exporter="camunda modeler" and exporterVersion="2.0.2"
  • [CAM-1429] - remove asynch and retry time cycle properties for undefined task
  • [CAM-1828] - For errors, also show error code in dropdown

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