Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.3.0-alpha2 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-2644] - Make DefaultElResolverLookup tolerate non-applicable ProcessApplicationElResolver implementations
  • [CAM-2717] - Incidents created by failed timer start event not visualized in cockpit
  • [CAM-2731] - When querying for process definitions, #getDescription() returns null
  • [CAM-2797] - Failing timer start event does not schedule a new job for next timer invocation
  • [CAM-2821] - Execution tree will not be expanded correctly in case of a non-interrupting subprocess and a parallel fork inside an embedded sub process
  • [CAM-2853] - H2: ACT_RU_AUTHORIZATION.RESOURCE_TYPE_ of wrong datatype
  • [CAM-2879] - parser throws no exception when language and script element are missing
  • [CAM-3097] - Follow Up Date is not parsed
  • [CAM-3110] - Querying by variableValueNotEquals will not match typed null values
  • [CAM-3132] - Footer not stuck to window buttom when window size reduced
  • [CAM-3135] - Webapp uses reserved word "ROOT" as table alias name
  • [CAM-3173] - select box doesn't show the correct option
  • [CAM-3222] - Cannot implicitly update empty list variable with Json variables
  • [CAM-3232] - Cannot load favicon when accessing /camunda/app
  • [CAM-3343] - Cockpit search works with String variables only
  • [CAM-3350] - ReceiveTask and NonInterruptingBoundaryEvent: Execution tree will not be expanded correctly
  • [CAM-3351] - Left navigation bar on Process Defintion page doesn't show up again
  • [CAM-3369] - Cannot set variable value when adding boolean variable
  • [CAM-3370] - Elements in admins authorizations "create new" menu out of position
  • [CAM-3372] - Elements in select groups modal view out of position
  • [CAM-3373] - Process definition suspension modal elements out of position
  • [CAM-3378] - Cockpit footer bar hides process defintion state
  • [CAM-3379] - Admin system settings view out of position
  • [CAM-3405] - No browser update after embedded form change
  • [CAM-3457] - Missing null check in ItemHandler#initializeEntryCriterias() and ItemHandler#initializeExitCriterias()
  • [CAM-3471] - HistoricProcessInstance#superCaseInstanceId equals null when process completes
  • [CAM-3479] - Process stops at CallActivity after completing CMMN Case
  • [CAM-3484] - Tooltips cut by page borders
  • [CAM-3502] - Script activiti.db2.create.history.sql contains ACT_HI_ACTINST.OWNER_, the other *.create.history.sql files don't.
  • [CAM-3503] - Oracle SQL scripts contain a column DATA_FORMAT_ID_ which does not exist in any other script
  • [CAM-3518] - Cockpit db query not working on SQL Server
  • [CAM-3527] - Cockpit process instance search by variable returns all process instances
  • [CAM-3535] - Provide check for empty js object in sdk-js

Feature Request

  • [CAM-2464] - RequiredRule will be evaluated
  • [CAM-2661] - Using the Task Query I can sort by process variables
  • [CAM-3260] - CurrentState of CaseExecution should be available in Query API
  • [CAM-3266] - AutoComplete attribute will be evaluated
  • [CAM-3341] - As a Cockpit User, I can search for multiple variables
  • [CAM-3344] - Preserve search query in Cockpit
  • [CAM-3345] - As a Cockpit user, I can search using the Keyboard
  • [CAM-3407] - On Cockpit Dashboard, I can toggle between Thumbnail and List view
  • [CAM-3408] - As Tasklist User, I can zoom into the bpmn diagram
  • [CAM-3411] - Using the REST API, I can order tasks by variable values
  • [CAM-3434] - Loader widget in commons UI
  • [CAM-3437] - Header widget in commons UI
  • [CAM-3438] - Footer widget in commons UI
  • [CAM-3452] - I can access a Historic Job Log
  • [CAM-3465] - In tasklist I can sort by multiple parameters
  • [CAM-3466] - In tasklist I can sort tasks by variable value
  • [CAM-3469] - Add users for group profile within admin ui
  • [CAM-3480] - As dev, I can use a group resource in the JS SDK
  • [CAM-3501] - Using the REST Api I can query for HistoricJobLogs
  • [CAM-3507] - As Cockpit User, I can see the Job History Log
  • [CAM-3524] - Add embeddable REST API to Camunda BOM
  • [CAM-3534] - Using the sdk-js I can also retrieve local variables
  • [CAM-3564] - I can sort reliable HistoricActivityInstances in which they have started


  • [CAM-2068] - Avoid truncating programmatically as much as possible
  • [CAM-2960] - As WLS admin, I can read docu about the Default Queue Size in the installation guide
  • [CAM-3047] - Increase cockpit history tree view width
  • [CAM-3210] - upgrade tasklist screenshots in user guide
  • [CAM-3211] - document different views of tasklist
  • [CAM-3212] - I can read documentation on common filters for the tasklist (examples)
  • [CAM-3249] - include admin app on welcome page
  • [CAM-3271] - Review protractor test selectors after Bootstrap update.
  • [CAM-3295] - Leverage .jshintrc instead of having comments in JS files
  • [CAM-3308] - Spike: test camunda BPM against Oracle 12c
  • [CAM-3326] - Add user-styles.css to Admin and Cockpit
  • [CAM-3327] - Add webapp icons to admin and cockpit
  • [CAM-3334] - Review package.json files in all frontend projects
  • [CAM-3340] - Spike: UI-Testing for commons-ui widgets
  • [CAM-3365] - Document how to use the CallActivity to create a new CaseInstance
  • [CAM-3368] - Remove ngDefine from cockpit plugins documentation
  • [CAM-3374] - Clarify: handling of like in cockpit process instance search
  • [CAM-3377] - Style the cockpit instance search and its results
  • [CAM-3380] - Maven DB driver dependencies are inherited from database pom
  • [CAM-3381] - Db configuration uses maven filtering in engine and webapp testsuite
  • [CAM-3396] - Style the common ui documentation pages
  • [CAM-3404] - Integrate auth and widget tests in commons ui.
  • [CAM-3413] - Use camunda SDK JS for process instance search in cockpit
  • [CAM-3414] - Use camDate wherever possible
  • [CAM-3417] - Create maven profile for webapp ui testsuite
  • [CAM-3418] - Provide "clean db check" in webapp ui test profile
  • [CAM-3419] - In webapp ui testsuite tests are self-contained
  • [CAM-3421] - Webapp-ui testsuite runs in CI
  • [CAM-3424] - Fix versions in Cockpit and Admin package.json & bower.json files in 7.2 branch
  • [CAM-3429] - In Jenkins, I can see which common-ui tests failed
  • [CAM-3439] - Use search widgets in Tasklist
  • [CAM-3447] - Add "Support Ticket formatting" section in docs
  • [CAM-3458] - Review cockpit dashboard layout
  • [CAM-3460] - Spike: E2E-Test suite with mocha and chai
  • [CAM-3461] - Provide page objects for commons ui widgets
  • [CAM-3462] - Create search widget
  • [CAM-3463] - Write tests for process instance search feature
  • [CAM-3464] - Write tests for tasklist variable search feature
  • [CAM-3470] - Rename WAS and WLS in docs
  • [CAM-3475] - Use ISO formatting of date by default in cockpit
  • [CAM-3504] - Implement loader widget in cockpit
  • [CAM-3505] - Implement loader widget in admin UI
  • [CAM-3513] - As a developer, I can write tests for EE-webapp
  • [CAM-3519] - Remove breadcrumbs on cockpit login and dashboard
  • [CAM-3520] - Remove breadcrumbs on admin login and dashboard
  • [CAM-3521] - More clarification on docs for "Configuring a container-managed Process Engine as a Spring Bean"
  • [CAM-3541] - Create example on how to configure Spin DataFormats
  • [CAM-3547] - Run engine testsuite and Oracle 12 driver
  • [CAM-3550] - Create bpmn viewer widget

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