Bug Report
- [CAM-6082] - Cannot see variables in tasklist with READ Task Authorization
- [CAM-9107] - Prevention of Cross-Site-Request-Forgery
- [CAM-9109] - When a user, group, or tenant is created, the given id is validated against a whitelist
- [CAM-9130] - In Webapps, translation is not up-to-date after migration to a newer Camunda version
- [CAM-9132] - Date is showing in the wrong format in embedded forms
- [CAM-9165] - Add index for CASE_INST_ID_ on ACT_RU_CASE_EXECUTION table
- [CAM-9171] - Exception when checking for table presence is not processed correctly
- [CAM-9173] - 7.10 artifacts are in the wrong folder (7.1) in the our nexus
- [CAM-9174] - Missing property in Http Basic Authentication filter
- [CAM-9175] - Using Java API, I cannot change a transient variable value
- [CAM-9183] - In Cockpit, I cannot use search for historic process instances in case of large datasets
- [CAM-9185] - Tasklist marks tasks as removed from internet connection is disrupted
- [CAM-9192] - In Cockpit, in case of multi instance the badge does not show often the inner activity has been executed
- [CAM-9194] - When querying for tasks by candidate user a group query is executed multiple times
- [CAM-9195] - When unlocking an external task, pending fetchAndLock requests are not notified
- [CAM-9196] - A pending fetch and lock request is not always signalled
- [CAM-9205] - I cannot set the DELETE permission for PROCESS_DEFINITION in Admin
Feature Request
- [CAM-5722] - I can set the version tag of a process using the BPMN Model API
- [CAM-6883] - Filter startable processes by READ and CREATE_INSTANCE permission on process definition resource
- [CAM-9084] - In Tasklist, I can start only a subset of all deployed processes
- [CAM-9129] - In Cockpit, I can modify a single process asynchronously
- [CAM-9153] - When using the Java/Rest API, I get the information when a historic variable instance has been created initially
- [CAM-9154] - Support for MariaDB 10.3
- [CAM-9201] - Historic Process Instances have a defined removal time
- [CAM-9202] - Child Historic Process Instances have a defined removal time
- [CAM-9203] - History Cleanup Job uses removal time attribute for cleanup
- [CAM-9204] - Support for Postgres 10.4
- [CAM-9215] - When using the Java/Rest API, I get the information when a historic attachment has been created initially
- [CAM-9216] - When using the Java/Rest API, I get the information when a historic decision input variable has been created initially
- [CAM-9217] - When using the Java/Rest API, I get the information when a historic dec out has been created initially
- [CAM-9106] - Improve error message when a user tries to create an already existing user or group
- [CAM-9168] - Provide instance migration test for "isStartableInTasklist"
- [CAM-9181] - Duplicate index for TASK_ID_ on ACT_HI_OP_LOG should be mentioned in patch level update
- [CAM-9193] - Document changes in context of the rest api maven coordinates within the migration guide
- [CAM-9199] - Historic Process Instaces have root scope context
- [CAM-9200] - Historic Process Instances contain removal time information
- [CAM-9225] - Java External Task Client utilises system properties
- [CAM-9247] - External Task Client (Java) example code complies with actual code
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