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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-12382

Using the Optimize Rest-API I can retrieve the historic incidents



      • Using the Rest-API, Optimize can perform custom queries against the engine for the historic incidents
      • the custom SQL-queries work on all databases
      • the whole implementation is not in the public package and should not be publicly documented
      • the new endpoints are documented in the rest-API documentation for Optimize engineers
      • if authorization is enabled and the request is done with basic authentication, only users that have admin rights or READ_HISTORY/ALL permission on the Process definition, decision definition and tenant resource can perform these queries. If the user is not authorized, he receives an appropriate response telling the user that.
      • the new endpoint is backported down to 7.12

      In Optimize, we want to create new reports that allow users to get insights to how many incidents occurred in certain tasks, are open, or how long it took to resolve them.

      Follow-up Ticket:
      Add indexes to speed up the sorting: https://jira.camunda.com/browse/CAM-12383

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              thorben.lindhauer Thorben Lindhauer
              johannes.heinemann Johannes
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
