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  1. camunda BPM
  2. CAM-5452

Implement efficient authorization check usable if no REVOKE auths exists


      The current authorization check is constant in the size of the authorization table (adding many authoriozations will not make it slow) but it scales linearly with the size of the resource instance table for which authoriation checks are performed. Example: increasing the size of the task table will add a constant overhead for each task.

      For history this can be solved with CAM-5450

      For runtime entites, a more efficient approach can be implemented. Property that we aim for:
      log scale for a growing number of resource instances


      • implement more efficient auth check
      • the efficient auth check is used when there are no revoke auth in the DB
      • when the user creates the first REVOKE auth in ADMIN, a warning is shown
      • documentation explains this

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

              meyer Daniel Meyer
              meyer Daniel Meyer
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              3 Start watching this issue
