Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
Grouping of user tasks (idle, execution, total) by date, so that I as a user can monitor how the duration has changed over time - if my changes are working out - e.g. because I decided to assign a user task always to a different person.
How long time it takes on average from a user task arrives at a task until it is completed. I as a user would like to monitor that for each day, e.g. is there a positive or a negative evolvement in the elapsed time.
- The following reports be evaluated:
View Grouped By Distributed By User Task count User Task start date User Task User Task count User Task start date None User Task duration User Taske start date User Task User Task duration User Task start date None User Task count User Task end date User Task User Task count User Task end date None User Task duration User Task end date User Task User Task duration User Task end date None
- the entity from the group by start date is removed and is used for all entities.
- the new reports are added to the user guide documentation
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- depends on
OPT-3203 Add group by user task option to the report builder
- Done
- is depended on by
OPT-3434 Grouped by Date reports contain a lot of duplicated code
- Done
- is related to
OPT-2691 User Task Duration grouped by start date of flow node
- Done
OPT-3289 UserTask group by start/end date & distributed by assignee/candidate group
- Done
OPT-3330 Trend Analysis: FlowNode Count/Duration grouped by start/end date distributed by FlowNode
- Done
- mentioned in
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Add new report: view User Task count grouped by User Task start date |
Done | Unassigned |
Add new report: view User Task duration grouped by user task start date |
Done | Unassigned |
Add new report: view User Task count grouped by User Task end date |
Done | Unassigned |
Add new report: view User Task duration grouped by user task end date |
Done | Unassigned |
I can evaluate the new user task reports in the report builder |
Done | Unassigned |
Add new report: view User Task count grouped by User Task start date distributed by user task |
Done | Unassigned |
Grouped by user task date reports work correctly with combined reports |
Done | Unassigned |
IsComplete flag is wrong for grouped by user task end date reports with execution state running |
Done | Unassigned |