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Uploaded image for project: 'Camunda Optimize'
  1. Camunda Optimize
  2. OPT-7475

Long numeric strings reflected in Scientific Notation in Reports

    • Not defined

      What/Where is the issue ?

      String variables that starts with number and are too long are being reflected in Scientific notation in Optimize.

      Environment: C7/ C8SaaS/ C8SM

      Optimize version : 3.10.4, 3.10.6, 3.11.3
      ES version : 7.17 / 8.8
      OS + Browser version : Chrome

      Steps to reproduce:

      1. Start a process instance with Variable string.
      2. Ensure that the string variable have some values in the following format and is too long > 50 characters:
        <number><string>. e.g. 123123 adasdasda dasdas dasd asdasdasdasdasdasdasdsa...
      3. Create a report for process definition.
        Report Setup Data Table
        View > Process Instance
        Measure > Count
        Group by > Variable: <aVariable>
        Visualization > Table
        3. Save Report

      Observed behavior:

      Expected behavior:

      Actual String value should be reflected in Reports.

      Additional Information:

      Seems to be caused by OPT-5641 where we convert long number to exponential format.
      We are checking for numbers with `isNaN` which does return `false` if the first couple of letters in string are numbers. This causes the string to be converted to exponential format.

        This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

            Uploaded image for project: 'Camunda Optimize'
            1. Camunda Optimize
            2. OPT-7475

            Long numeric strings reflected in Scientific Notation in Reports

              • Not defined

                What/Where is the issue ?

                String variables that starts with number and are too long are being reflected in Scientific notation in Optimize.

                Environment: C7/ C8SaaS/ C8SM

                Optimize version : 3.10.4, 3.10.6, 3.11.3
                ES version : 7.17 / 8.8
                OS + Browser version : Chrome

                Steps to reproduce:

                1. Start a process instance with Variable string.
                2. Ensure that the string variable have some values in the following format and is too long > 50 characters:
                  <number><string>. e.g. 123123 adasdasda dasdas dasd asdasdasdasdasdasdasdsa...
                3. Create a report for process definition.
                  Report Setup Data Table
                  View > Process Instance
                  Measure > Count
                  Group by > Variable: <aVariable>
                  Visualization > Table
                  3. Save Report

                Observed behavior:

                Expected behavior:

                Actual String value should be reflected in Reports.

                Additional Information:

                Seems to be caused by OPT-5641 where we convert long number to exponential format.
                We are checking for numbers with `isNaN` which does return `false` if the first couple of letters in string are numbers. This causes the string to be converted to exponential format.

                  This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app

                        Unassigned Unassigned
                        renz.patriarca Renz Patriarca
                        1 Vote for this issue
                        2 Start watching this issue


                              Unassigned Unassigned
                              renz.patriarca Renz Patriarca
                              1 Vote for this issue
                              2 Start watching this issue
