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- CAM-11490
Varargs can be used together with explicitly defined parameters - CAM-11475
Align docs so that they reflect new FEEL Engine - CAM-11474
In FEEL Scala Docs, remove Camunda BPM specific leftovers - CAM-11473
Change logger category - CAM-11472
Refactor feel-scala usage example - CAM-11471
Add Scala FEEL version to root pom - CAM-11470
Ensure context functions cannot be used - CAM-11467
Do manual test if the right modules end up in the artifacts - CAM-11466
Tidying up - CAM-11464
Consolidate FEEL Exceptions inside Scala Feel Logger - CAM-11454
Add Engine ITs to ensure that spin integration is available on all containers - CAM-11432
Unable to use the Scala FEEL Engine on Tomcat - CAM-11429
Document API of feel-scala - CAM-11426
Get rid of SpiServiceLoader usage - CAM-11416
I can read documentation on the FEEL Engine Spin integration - CAM-11414
I can read documentation about supported types of the FEEL Engine - CAM-11412
In DMN Engine, throw exception on date-typed conversion of time("22:22:22@Europe/Berlin") - CAM-11405
With the Java native custom function mechanism, I can use varargs - CAM-11400
I can read documentation about the new DMN EL defaults - CAM-11399
I can read documentation about the FEEL legacy behavior config flag - CAM-11398
In DMN Engine, change name of config setter - CAM-11393
In Scala FEEL Engine, change package structure to reflect private/public API - CAM-11390
I can read documentation about the Java native custom function mechanism - CAM-11363
Release alpha of Scala FEEL Engine - CAM-11348
Write dedicated blog post for 7.13.0-alpha2 about FEEL 1.2 - CAM-11347
Migrate feel factory to java - CAM-11346
Migrate feel spin to java - CAM-11344
Promote maven version to ensure JDK compatibility with scala maven plugin - CAM-11342
Investigate why scala feel integration fails when scala-doc is executed - CAM-11317
Consolidate FEEL Engine logger category - CAM-11314
In DMN Engine, output rules & literal expressions typed with date should return Java util date - CAM-11313
In DMN Engine, configure new default expression languages - CAM-11289
Add test cases to validate that the FEEL type handling behavior does not change - CAM-11282
Identify breaking changes due to different type handling - CAM-11278
Document constraints for future development of feel-scala - CAM-11271
I can register custom functions with the shaded Scala FEEL Engine artifact - CAM-11262
Separate DMN Engine & FEEL integration artifact - CAM-11260
DMN Engine can fallback to Juel FEEL Engine - CAM-11259
Incorporate engine specific code from Scala FEEL Engine - CAM-11257
I can read a migration guide between Java and Scala FEEL Engine - CAM-11255
Scala FEEL Engine is product compliant - CAM-11254
In Scala FEEL Engine, define public API
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