Bug Report
- [CAM-13699] - Spin XML adds blank lines if input is already pretty printed
- [CAM-14331] - NullPointerException in camunda-spin when serializing map containing null value
- [CAM-14387] - DelegateExecutionContext.getCurrentDelegationExecution() does not provide current execution when used in signal expression
- [CAM-14408] - BpmnError thrown from an execution listener doesn't cancel activity instance
- [CAM-14627] - Deleting a tenant membership is not limited to the user or group
- [CAM-14633] - Spring Boot: Requests to / always redirected to Tasklist
- [CAM-14652] - History view of a multi-instance subprocess shows no tokens and a forever loading spinner
- [CAM-14673] - ELResolvers with jdk17 can cause InaccessibleObjectException
Feature Request
- [CAM-14303] - Extend API to query for Tasks updated after a specified date
- [CAM-14530] - Improve Expression Language pluggability
- [CAM-14531] - BpmnParseListener provides methods for I/O mappings
- [CAM-14607] - Allow set business key for call activity in Fluent Builder API
- [CAM-14621] - Support Spring Boot 2.7
- [CAM-14139] - Make default content security policy more strict
- [CAM-14395] - Integrate XLTS AngularJS into the web applications
- [CAM-14616] - Upgrade Camunda Docker base image to alpine 3.15
- [CAM-14636] - Knowledge and requirements gathering for WAS Liberty support
- [CAM-14655] - Clarify TaskListener create event
- [CAM-14617] - The XLTS EULA is included in our documentation
- [CAM-14677] - Extend TaskEntity by lastUpdate field
- [CAM-14680] - Extend REST API by updatedAfter filter and sort options
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