Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
- The codebase https://github.com/camunda/camunda-archetypes is managed by the dev team (github access rights)
- Set up regular side-project CI
- In the release process, we have a step to update the archetypes to the new Camunda release
- Update Camunda version in code
- Resolve any problems documented in Camunda BPM update guide and simple other problems (e.g. bumping dependencies)
- In case of more complex problems, update can be postponed (e.g. if the involved community extensions are not compatible with the new Camunda release - process test coverage)
- Apply a standalone versioning to the archetypes, e.g. begin at 1.0.0; document compatibility
- Create one template repository for each archetype
- Write shell script that updates a template repository from a released Maven archetype and add it to release procedure
- Optional: Automate that step in CI
Side notes:
- The general strategy is that the dev team will maintain the codebase with future Camunda versions and do releases. The consulting team will develop the content, e.g. new archetypes
- There will be a DRI from consulting side who can be approached with any content-related questions or in case the version update is not trivial (accessible via a Slack role; Ragnar takes care of setting that up)
- Falko can do a hand-over session
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
Move archetypes job to campbm CI |
Closed | Unassigned |
Upgrade all archetypes to 7.14.0 |
Closed | Unassigned |
Cleanup the archetypes repository |
Closed | Unassigned |
Clearly define a versioning strategy for the archetypes repository |
Closed | Unassigned |
Add an archetype upgrade step to our release guide |
Closed | Unassigned |
Establish Runtime team access rights |
Closed | Unassigned |
Generate template repositories from archetypes |
Closed | Unassigned |