Bug Report
- [CAM-4866] - Failing Job Lock Time is not save correctly during Daylight Saving Hour
- [CAM-10672] - Link historic incidents to the specific stacktrace source
- [CAM-10693] - In REST API, version tag is not exposed for locked external tasks
- [CAM-10706] - In Cockpit, on Migration, filter is reset when operation changes
- [CAM-10735] - In Tasklist, filter tasks case-insensitively does not work
- [CAM-10740] - Admin webapp - List of users disappear in Users page once /user api returns an error
- [CAM-10791] - Firefox does not send CSRF cookie if initial request comes from a cross-origin
Feature Request
- [CAM-9855] - Recurring Timer Job DueDates do not depend on first job start date
- [CAM-10397] - Ability to use BPMN Escalation Events on User Tasks
- [CAM-10398] - Ability to use BPMN Error Events on User Tasks
- [CAM-10399] - Time triggered task listeners
- [CAM-10626] - I can filter tasks by assignees in tasklist
- [CAM-10793] - Support Java 13
- [CAM-10563] - Bundle camunda-bpm-sdk-js into deps.js
- [CAM-10671] - Needs to add documentation for "enableFetchProcessDefinitionDescription" flag
- [CAM-10703] - Javascript projects: Detect usage of dependencies with incompatible licenses
- [CAM-10704] - Release external-task-client-js
- [CAM-10709] - PR: processInstanceBusinessKeyIn docs
- [CAM-10734] - In Cockpit, timestamp for external task log can be copied
- [CAM-10756] - Wrong grammar in messages in BpmnBehaviorLogger ('from type')
- [CAM-10757] - Update doc - batchOperationsForHistoryCleanup parameter is supported only with spring beans and process engine plugins
- [CAM-10758] - Admin - In Change Password section of "Users", update the name of "My Password" field
- [CAM-10760] - Classloading problem during job execution in WebLogic
- [CAM-10778] - Disable sign-in button while login request is in process
- [CAM-10780] - Add e2e tests for case-insensitively variable search
- [CAM-10812] - DMN engine & typed values not deployed to maven central
- [CAM-10815] - Reduce overhead of building of process engines in the test suite
- [CAM-10652] - In Cockpit, on user operation log I can set an annotation
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