Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- OPT-3967
Return specific error code when dashboard cannot be saved - OPT-3952
Handle bad request responses for dashboard saves - OPT-3945
Add tests for variable name/value fetching for reports with no definition key - OPT-3918
UI tweaks - OPT-3902
Display dashboard filters by default - OPT-3808
Ensure available dashboard filters are consistent with report state - OPT-3807
Clean up available dashboard filters on report update - OPT-3718
Create endpoint to return variable values for given report IDs and variable name/types - OPT-3674
Variable Filters should only apply to reports with that variable - OPT-3673
I can use dashboard variable filters - OPT-3672
I can store available variable filters for dashboards - OPT-3671
I can query for variable names across reports - OPT-3670
I can specify variable filters for dashboards - OPT-3615
Remove GET endpoint for report evaluation - OPT-3614
Make dashboard filters apply to the source reports in combined reports - OPT-3591
Document dashboard filters - OPT-3589
I can specify date filters for dashboards - OPT-3588
I can specify instance state dashboard filters - OPT-3587
I can specify which filters are allowed for a dashboard - OPT-3585
Allow adding additional filters for report evaluation - OPT-3584
Available dashboard filters are persisted - OPT-3538
Implement dashboard filters - OPT-3537
Design for dashboard filters
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