Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.5.0-alpha1 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-3961] - Field ProcessApplication#name is ignored
  • [CAM-4257] - Cockpit does not display asyncBefore multi instance body incidents in diagram
  • [CAM-4278] - Authorization slow down the response time of Cockpit
  • [CAM-4865] - Missing DDL for ACT_FK_EXEC_PROCINST in SQL Server DDL
  • [CAM-4883] - Model API is not available in cockpit plugins on JBoss/WildFly
  • [CAM-4960] - Inclusive gateway triggers too early when an upstream token waits in two nested scopes without outgoing flows
  • [CAM-4979] - Bad performance when requesting user list in Admin
  • [CAM-5004] - Banner overlaps table in docs
  • [CAM-5028] - Code highlighting in CMMN getting started
  • [CAM-5062] - Error message when accessing webapps from camunda-welcome page
  • [CAM-5073] - Job acquisition thread does not become idle when no jobs are there
  • [CAM-5076] - Deployment registration summary is not logged anymore
  • [CAM-5091] - Cannot configure custom job retry cycle for the activity wrapped in the multi instance body
  • [CAM-5097] - Cannot remove async activity from process and redeploy due to possible cache inconsistency
  • [CAM-5102] - Dmn tables are not optional
  • [CAM-5109] - Update Tasklist CSS customization snippet and documentation
  • [CAM-5110] - Blog Images are overlayed with dotted line
  • [CAM-5117] - Pause badge of suspended jobs missing in diagram view
  • [CAM-5120] - Execution-End-Listener is invoked twice inside parallel multi instance
  • [CAM-5122] - Rest API dates cannot be submitted with timezone information
  • [CAM-5123] - Plain Id Anchors not working in docs
  • [CAM-5126] - I cannot set the DMN Engine Configuration
  • [CAM-5128] - Copy Local Variables in Parallel Gateway to Parent Execution
  • [CAM-5129] - OPTIONS requests perform authorization checks also when authorization is disabled
  • [CAM-5130] - ManagementServiceTest has errors and exeptions in general and a failure on IBM Informix DB
  • [CAM-5131] - I can't use pagination in the list of users and groups in admin
  • [CAM-5142] - Cannot configure the DMN Engine in Process Engine Configuration
  • [CAM-5148] - Lanes indicated as Supported instead of Pools
  • [CAM-5163] - Leaving activity is performed after error propagation in connector plugin
  • [CAM-5182] - Standalone webapp does not deploy
  • [CAM-5236] - FileValue vs File and Inputstream
  • [CAM-5244] - I cannot use a process-application-local data format to serialize object variables
  • [CAM-5252] - NPE on opening Process Definition view after triggering non-interrupting boundary event
  • [CAM-5254] - Triggering a non-interrupting event concurrently with tree compaction does not cause OptimisticLockingException
  • [CAM-5255] - Report.xml: use constant value instead of variable in select statement
  • [CAM-5272] - In an embedded engine scenario the engine loads previous definitions unnecessarily
  • [CAM-5273] - Unique Constraint on Process Definitions with Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5291] - Job exception stack trace is not logged
  • [CAM-5295] - Deleting a deployment should remove existing process application registrations
  • [CAM-5297] - Get Latest Version of Process Definition which is deployed for Multiple Tenants
  • [CAM-5319] - ProcessApplicationEventListenerDelegate is registered twice in case of a timer event definition
  • [CAM-5322] - DMN Evaluation not correct if String contains comma

Feature Request

  • [CAM-2757] - Custom error messages in FormFieldValidators
  • [CAM-4069] - I can set custom request headers using the HTTP-Client in JS SDK
  • [CAM-5145] - Support Milliseconds for MariaDB
  • [CAM-5158] - Using Java and REST api, I can retrieve a Process Instance duration report
  • [CAM-5177] - Using the REST Api, I can retreive a Process Instance duration report as CSV
  • [CAM-5185] - I can set a Tenant-Id on Deployment
  • [CAM-5188] - I can query Process Definitions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5191] - I can query Process Instances and Executions by Tenant-Id
  • [CAM-5218] - I can specify a Tenant-Id for Auto-Deployment of a Process Application
  • [CAM-5238] - Save the user who executed a decision in the history
  • [CAM-5275] - I can create process instance duration report in cockpit


  • [CAM-3107] - Remove mocks from camunda BPM SDK JS
  • [CAM-3635] - take screenshots of ui tests
  • [CAM-3813] - Running Engine Testsuite takes a long time, makes Devs less productive
  • [CAM-4133] - JAX-RS runtimes interfere with each other during test execution
  • [CAM-4445] - License in documentation source code
  • [CAM-4735] - Refactor frontend dependency management and build
  • [CAM-4812] - "On this page" does not scroll
  • [CAM-4854] - Review promises support PR in JS SDK
  • [CAM-4913] - Add support for Oracle WebLogic Server 12c R2 (12.2.1)
  • [CAM-4974] - Update engine-rest CI builds
  • [CAM-5053] - remove invoice.png from invoice demo
  • [CAM-5071] - Readability Improvement: shorten incident message
  • [CAM-5085] - Migrate version-specific platform code to 7.5
  • [CAM-5095] - I can read how to use Java Config for Spring Application
  • [CAM-5099] - Update Jackson version to 2.6.3
  • [CAM-5100] - UI Prototype for simple process instance duration report
  • [CAM-5113] - Retry Checkbox should be pre-filled to save one klick
  • [CAM-5134] - I can read documentation how to disable authorization checks when using ldap plugin
  • [CAM-5172] - docs search not working properly
  • [CAM-5173] - Replace screenshot in WebSphere installation guide
  • [CAM-5176] - Improve Enterprise docs
  • [CAM-5184] - Update Rest API Jackson Dependency to 2.6.3
  • [CAM-5222] - Provide Application Server specific boilerplate in update guides for 7.4->7.5
  • [CAM-5265] - Normalize less/css scaffolding across webapps
  • [CAM-5269] - Automatically install chrome webdriver for e2e testing
  • [CAM-5274] - Remove application server specific classes from integration-test-engine test-jar
  • [CAM-5277] - Camunda dependencies declared in package.json in frontend projects contain wrong version numbers
  • [CAM-5283] - move webapp tests to own repository
  • [CAM-5287] - Reduce the Length of the Tenant Id
  • [CAM-5296] - Improve styling of Report View
  • [CAM-5320] - Release Spin 1.3.0-alpha1

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