Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.6.0-alpha3 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-5345] - NPE when setting HistoryLevel to "Activity" in SpringProcessEngineConfiguration
  • [CAM-5877] - Exit Criterion must be triggered only for active case execution
  • [CAM-6274] - Database scripts contain invalid characters and comments
  • [CAM-6292] - Wrong sorting in Enterprise download table
  • [CAM-6322] - Deployment of EAR with multiple WARs fails with NPE in Camunda JBoss Subsystem
  • [CAM-6324] - Exception when synchronously cancelling currently active activity
  • [CAM-6359] - Execution listener is executed more than once if it triggers execution tree compaction/expansion
  • [CAM-6362] - wrong interpretation of manual activation rule
  • [CAM-6365] - Send tasks cannot be built with connectors
  • [CAM-6366] - Filter process definition statistic results by tenant using the transparent access restrictions
  • [CAM-6367] - Filter deployment statistic results by tenant using the transparent access restrictions
  • [CAM-6369] - In the REST API, starting a process instance should always return its serialized variables
  • [CAM-6376] - There is no getter for property named 'orderByColumns' in 'class org.camunda.bpm.cockpit.impl.plugin.base.dto.query.ProcessInstanceQueryDto'
  • [CAM-6405] - Date selection not focused after opening datepicker modal
  • [CAM-6431] - UserOperationLogManager overwrites userId set on UserOperationLogContext
  • [CAM-6453] - Job acquisition wait time is reset after hint
  • [CAM-6473] - Fix like search for historic task report
  • [CAM-6485] - Tasklist filter dialog layout problems with DE language file
  • [CAM-6487] - Timer Start Event with Cycle Definition start Process Instances always without Tenant-Id after the first Time
  • [CAM-6504] - History Authorization Query Performance Degradation
  • [CAM-6521] - dead link in documentation
  • [CAM-6529] - Cockpit Runtime View does not show all process instances
  • [CAM-6531] - Fix the type of RuleOrder in the Insert Statement of the HistoricDecisionOutputInstanceEntity

Feature Request

  • [CAM-3477] - I can determine the current state of a historic process instance
  • [CAM-3685] - I can specify the scope in which a variable should be set
  • [CAM-4225] - I can use variables in on parts for sentries
  • [CAM-5284] - I can use a long error message with an External Task
  • [CAM-5448] - I can read documentation on how to perform a rolling upgrade
  • [CAM-5873] - As CaseWorker I can terminate an active case execution
  • [CAM-5946] - On variable change the ifPart is evaluated
  • [CAM-6088] - I can delete a single process definition
  • [CAM-6234] - I can query Historic Decision Instances of required Decisions
  • [CAM-6237] - I can get the Decision Requirement Definition
  • [CAM-6238] - I can get the Decision Requirement Model
  • [CAM-6239] - I can get the Decision Requirement Diagram
  • [CAM-6240] - I can query Decisions which belongs to a DRD
  • [CAM-6241] - I can query Historic Decision Instances of a DRD
  • [CAM-6249] - I can request all variable of an external task during fetch and lock
  • [CAM-6269] - On the task dashboard, I can search for tasks
  • [CAM-6270] - In the Open Tasks Overview, I can click on links to get list of matching tasks
  • [CAM-6273] - On Cockpit Dashboard I can see tasks summary
  • [CAM-6290] - I can register a DmnTransformListener for Decision Requirements Graph's
  • [CAM-6368] - As a cockpit user I can toggle the bottom region of decision pages
  • [CAM-6380] - I can use a finishedBefore statement for finished tasks (JAVA API)
  • [CAM-6381] - I can query for a historic task instance report
  • [CAM-6382] - I can query a historic task instance report via REST api
  • [CAM-6383] - I can query a historic task instance duration report via REST api
  • [CAM-6384] - I can use a group by statement for finished tasks (JAVA API)
  • [CAM-6386] - I can parse a Decision with an Expression as Decision Logic
  • [CAM-6412] - Using the CMMN model API, I can create and read variableOnPart
  • [CAM-6423] - Enable Caching of parsed FEEL Expressions
  • [CAM-6432] - Create new Jenkins build job for test-schema-with-old-engine test suite
  • [CAM-6441] - I can evaluate a Decision with an Expression as Decision Logic
  • [CAM-6442] - I can retrieve the History of an evaluated Decision with an Expression as Decision Logic
  • [CAM-6444] - Create sentries with variableOnPart during execution
  • [CAM-6456] - Sentry variableOnParts are evaluated on Variable Events
  • [CAM-6463] - Create new Jenkins build job for test-old-engine-instances test suite
  • [CAM-6478] - I can evaluate a Decision Literal Expression from a Process / Case or Decision Service
  • [CAM-6482] - I can identify externally terminated historical process instances
  • [CAM-6506] - On Cockpit Dashboard, I can see cases summary
  • [CAM-6507] - On Case Dashboard, I can see the deployed cases
  • [CAM-6512] - I can terminate case execution using REST API
  • [CAM-6534] - I don't want to start new invoice example instances if there are some running


  • [CAM-5443] - Test ensuring that old engine runs on new schema
  • [CAM-5444] - Test infrastructure ensuring that old engine completes old instances after schema migration
  • [CAM-6159] - Next iteration on Cockpit / Admin Dashboards
  • [CAM-6163] - Next Iteration Header Size and alignment
  • [CAM-6188] - Mention how to access $rootscope from Tasklist embedded forms
  • [CAM-6203] - Configure Tx Isolation level READ_COMMITTED in engine-IT on Wildfly
  • [CAM-6275] - Update Public API section in the docs
  • [CAM-6281] - Update documentation styles
  • [CAM-6282] - Update blog styles
  • [CAM-6289] - Provide Tests for Redeployment of a ProcessApplication with Decisions and Drds
  • [CAM-6331] - Document Optimistic Locking Behavior in Engine
  • [CAM-6333] - Add a minimal width to cockpit process left sidebar
  • [CAM-6338] - Execute upgrade tests with new SQL scripts
  • [CAM-6342] - Replace snapshot version with 7.5.3 in test upgrade pom
  • [CAM-6352] - Rename Decision Requirement Diagram to Decision Requirements Graph
  • [CAM-6364] - Proofread and correct Process Engine section in User Guide
  • [CAM-6373] - As User I can read documentation about the open task dashboard
  • [CAM-6377] - Make OSGI import of junit optional
  • [CAM-6378] - Fix OSGI exports of connect core module
  • [CAM-6385] - Update hugo patched version to 0.16
  • [CAM-6392] - Align sidebar tabs and lower part tabs height in cockpit
  • [CAM-6409] - Provide Markup for variableOnPart for sentries
  • [CAM-6410] - Comprehensive error message when running Engine IT with JBoss AS 7.2 and JDK >= 8
  • [CAM-6411] - Document what we (developers) have to know about guarantees for rolling upgrades
  • [CAM-6426] - Rework CMMN Get Started Guide
  • [CAM-6427] - Sentry variable on parts are transformed
  • [CAM-6434] - Align "ID" and "Id"
  • [CAM-6437] - Write a Blog Post about new DMN Engine Benchmark
  • [CAM-6438] - Configure Tx Isolation level READ_COMMITTED in engine-IT on Tomcat
  • [CAM-6439] - Configure Tx Isolation level READ_COMMITTED in engine-IT on JBoss
  • [CAM-6443] - Make cockpit menu scale
  • [CAM-6451] - Set transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED on WebSphere
  • [CAM-6452] - Set transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED on WebLogic
  • [CAM-6462] - Skip history authorization performance tests on Oracle
  • [CAM-6466] - Proofread and correct Process Applications section in the user guide
  • [CAM-6469] - Remove GlassFish from the documentation
  • [CAM-6475] - As User I can use a task report in cockpit
  • [CAM-6479] - Group "misc" sections on cockpit dashboard
  • [CAM-6480] - Remove breadcrumb on admin dashboard
  • [CAM-6486] - Proofread and correct Runtime Container Integration section in the user guide
  • [CAM-6489] - Proofread and correct Spring Framework Integration section in the user guide
  • [CAM-6497] - Proofread and correct CDI and Java EE Integration section in the user guide
  • [CAM-6499] - Document Process Engine Configuration in CDI and Java EE Integration section
  • [CAM-6500] - Update DMN XSD to include DI
  • [CAM-6502] - Set transaction isolation level to READ_COMMITTED in all distros
  • [CAM-6503] - Proofread and correct Testing section in the user guide
  • [CAM-6515] - Proofread and correct Model API section in the user guide
  • [CAM-6518] - Remove eclipse modeler libraries from 7.6 docs
  • [CAM-6520] - Rework padding of edited table rows
  • [CAM-6527] - Proofread and correct Data Formats section in the user guide
  • [CAM-6543] - Make HistoricIncidentRestServiceTenantCheckTest reliable
  • [CAM-6546] - Rename "Duration" to "Process instance duration" report
  • [CAM-6549] - Remove "more" section on cockpit dashboard
  • [CAM-6550] - Rename "Tasks" cockpit section to "User Tasks"
  • [CAM-6567] - Blog post for 7.6.0-alpha3

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