Feature Request
Resolution: Fixed
L3 - Default
User story
We want to understand how many active Camunda projects[versions] are in use, and in what kind of technical environment they are used in so that we can make informed strategic decisions on how to improve the stability and performance of our products.
Currently, we do not know how many active Camunda projects[product versions] are in use, and in what kind of technical environment they are used in.
We consider this to be essential telemetry as this information is crucial for us to further improve the stability and performance of our products, troubleshoot customer issues, increase customer success, and to make strategic decisions on how to best support our users in running successful Camunda projects.
As PM/Engineer/Marketing, I can see
- how many Camunda projects[product versions] are active.
- Camunda version
- Webapps: Cockpit/Tasklist (if they are installed)
- in what technical environment they are used in
- app server vendor and version
- databases vendor and version
- JDK version (optional: vendor)
- how many process instances and decision tables these projects have executed (the pricing metrics we already collect)
- the count of the executed Java API commands per command
This information can be grouped by
- customer name (based on license key)Â to support our customers adopting Camunda projects successfully.
- Installation IDs (generated once and stored in the engine database, so that every subsequent telemetry call using that databases reuses the ID)
- timeframes (days, weeks, months..) (this does not need to be submitted by the client)
This information should be available for all supported Camunda versions.
Example ET Request
{ "installation": "b647de4d-e557-455a-a64f-feaecd55f53c", "product": { "name": "Camunda BPM Runtime", "version": "7.12.0", "edition": "community", (based on ee suffix in version) "internals": { "license-key": "key...", "webapps": ["cockpit", "tasklist"], "database": {"vendor": "postgres", "version": "12.2"}, "jdk": {"vendor": "Oracle", "version": "11"}, "application-server": {"vendor": "JBoss Wildfly", "version": "19"}, "metrics": {"root process instances": {"count": 5000}, "decision-instances": {"count": 10000}}, "commands": {"StartProcessInstanceCmd": {"count": 40}, "FetchExternalTasksCmd": {"count": 100}} } } }Â
Technical requirements:
Requirements are ordered roughly by priority
First increment
- Implemented product scope
- Collected data: Camunda version, installation id
- Nice to have: Database vendor and version
- Telemetry is deactivated by default
- The telemetry endpoint is configurable in the engine configuration with our current endpoint as the default value
- Similar to the metrics reporter, the process engine has a thread that makes telemetry requests in a configurable interval (every 24 hours)
- Submitting the telemetry must be fail-safe. It should not interfere with other engine operations. Even if the telemetry endpoint is not available, no log outputs should be written on INFO or higher.
- If telemetry is activated is stored as a property in the database
- I can set that via an engine configuration property (is applied as the default value if the property does not exist yet)
- It can be set via Java and REST API (admin permissions)
- The telemetry reporter thread regularly re-checks the property to (de-)activate transmission
Later increments
- Product scope: Remaining data
- I can activate debug logging to debug the telemetry reporter and to inspect the data it submits
- When a license is submitted, the customer name is written into the database. The telemetry reporter uses that for any subsequent telemetry requests.
- A command interceptor is used to count the executed commands
- There is a REST API endpoint to determine if telemetry is enabled (for use in the webapps)Â
- consideration: telemetry reporter to be able to deal with HTTP redirects if and when it's necessary
- the pings (request) on engine stop (and only) will require to define a timeout (default value tbd) so that the engine stop is not affected by the sending of the telemetry
- consideration: the database driver information could be retrieved as well via DatabaseMetaData
- submits first data on the start of the reporter if the reporter hasn't run in a while
- if the submit fail X (3) times, log a short message that something is wrong without stacktrace.
This is the controller panel for Smart Panels app
- depends on
CAM-12108 Fix httpclient shading in the engine jar
- Closed
CAM-12406 initializeTelemetry property doesn't work in bpm-platform/standalone xml
- Closed
CAM-12412 Application server information is not fetch for telemetry in spring boot applications
- Closed
CAM-12426 Telemetry reporters in a cluster are not activated when telemetry is toggled
- Closed
CAM-12557 Intial telemetry report is sent during process engine close
- Closed
CAM-12020 I can configure telemetry endpoint via process engine configuration
- Closed
CAM-12021 Create telemetry "reporter"
- Closed
CAM-12023 I can enable telemetry via process engine configuration
- Closed
CAM-12024 In Java and Rest API, I can configure telemetry
- Closed
CAM-12025 The telemetry reporter considers the telemetry configuration
- Closed
CAM-12031 An installation id is stored in the database for each engine
- Closed
CAM-12078 Improve telemetry API in management service
- Closed
CAM-12022 Make telemetry submit a fail-safe
- Closed
CAM-12052 Document telemetry specifics to upgrade guide
- Closed
CAM-12069 Change the telemetry endpoint in engine configuration
- Closed
CAM-12089 Add user operation logs for telemetry
- Closed
CAM-12115 Improve telemetry reporting
- Closed
CAM-12125 Document telemetry topic
- Closed
CAM-12176 In telemetry data, API commands are added
- Closed
CAM-12177 In telemetry data, Application server information is added
- Closed
CAM-12227 In telemetry data, add a field for spring boot/run/wildfly/was/wls integration usage
- Closed
CAM-12238 In User guide, document telemetry logger and troubleshooting
- Closed
CAM-12377 Add initialized indicator for telemetry configuration
- Closed
CAM-12378 In telemetry data, metrics information is added
- Closed
CAM-12379 In telemetry data, license key is added
- Closed
CAM-12380 In telemetry data, jdk information is added
- Closed
CAM-12415 In telemetry, improve calculation of unique task workers count
- Closed
CAM-12416 Metrics should be reported only once in cluster setups
- Closed
CAM-12417 WAS requires certification to send telemetry
- Closed
CAM-12430 Adjust wiremock request in telemetry test
- Closed
CAM-12431 Use db metrics names in telemetry data
- Closed
CAM-12432 In telemetry, dynamic data shouldn't be collected when the telemetry is disable
- Closed
CAM-12433 In telemetry, ensure resetting the start report time doesn't cause losing data
- Closed
CAM-12459 When telemetry is initially disabled, send a single message to ET
- Closed
CAM-12471 In telemetry data, adjust EDE and EDI to be collected
- Closed
CAM-12522 Typo in Telemetry CamundaIntegration
- Closed
- is depended on by
CAM-11500 As user I can enable usage analytics
- Closed
- is related to
CAM-11500 As user I can enable usage analytics
- Closed
CAM-12285 Create integration tests for telemetry to test requests with connect plugin
- Closed
CAM-12381 Unprovided information in telemetry is send as "unknown"
- Closed
CAM-12420 Telemetry reporter can deal with redirects.
- Closed
CAM-12421 In telemetry, define timeout for the send request
- Closed
CAM-12422 Telemetry reporter submits data if hasn't run in a while
- Closed
CAM-12094 In REST API, I can fetch telemetry configuration
- Closed
OPT-3580 Optimize can send essential data to production ET
- Done
CAM-12049 [Backend] Backport telemetry topic
- Closed
CAM-12158 Use connect in telemetry reporter
- Closed
CAM-12495 Send telemetry request in gzip format
- Closed
- mentioned in
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