Bug Report
- [CAM-3303] - Job/incident exception message is not populated when exception is from a transaction synchronization
- [CAM-3473] - Custom job retry time cyle cannot be used on timer start event inside an event subprocess
- [CAM-4369] - Setting task owner and task assignee throws index violation exception
- [CAM-5116] - Cannot use custom job retry cycle for non-service-task-like intermediate throwing events
- [CAM-5551] - Can not deploy compensation event when the xml position of referenced activity is below
- [CAM-5829] - Parallel Multi Instance Call Activity with in/out-mapping does not complete
- [CAM-6113] - Restoring execution tree can fail with a NullPointerException on parallel deletion
- [CAM-6445] - Instance migration test suite uses wrong dependencies
- [CAM-6517] - camunda-webapp classes is missing on Maven Central
- [CAM-6523] - Webjar on maven central is empty
- [CAM-6551] - Completed tasks on cockpit dashboard links to "unfinished only"
- [CAM-6577] - Replace update to upgrade in Rolling upgrade documentation
- [CAM-6580] - I want to query process instances by start time on DB2 with history level none on DB2
- [CAM-6596] - Missing defaults for RequiredRules and RepetitionRules without condition
- [CAM-6608] - HistoricVariableInstance#ActivityInstanceId is null
- [CAM-6611] - Datepicker hides current value when open
- [CAM-6627] - Entry criterion is not triggered on case instance create
- [CAM-6634] - Missing loading indication for process instance search
- [CAM-6642] - Broken link to tutorial in Process Applications section of documentation
- [CAM-6643] - Error in Spring Framework documentation (section "Using Shared Process Engine")
- [CAM-6645] - Job suspension state is not updated when suspending/activating a process instance by id
- [CAM-6680] - Tenant ID indexes are not used on Oracle for WHERE TENANT_ID_ IS NULL queries
- [CAM-6682] - Use of shared Mybatis SqlSessionFactory does not work if engines are created concurrently
- [CAM-6691] - DeploymentBuilder.addString uses String.getBytes without UTF-8
- [CAM-6720] - Welcome App does not work in EE
- [CAM-6721] - Cockpit and Admin loaded twice when accessing from welcome page
Feature Request
- [CAM-5846] - As cockpit User I can set retries for external tasks
- [CAM-5847] - Add plugin point for cockpit incidents action
- [CAM-6251] - I can filter for particular variables in the process instance view in cockpit
- [CAM-6306] - I can use a plugin point above the list of tasks
- [CAM-6454] - Named ProcessEnginePlugins
- [CAM-6493] - I can set the business key using a generated start form
- [CAM-6508] - On Case Dashboard, I can search for case instances
- [CAM-6510] - In Cockpit I can see details of a case definition
- [CAM-6511] - In Cockpit I can see details of a case instance
- [CAM-6514] - In Completed Task Report I can see Definition Names
- [CAM-6526] - Log user operation if process definition is deleted
- [CAM-6552] - Using the Java & Rest API, I can query for Metrics
- [CAM-6555] - I can query for historic case instances without tenant id
- [CAM-6571] - I can query for historic case instances by case activity id
- [CAM-6572] - In Case Definition View, I can filter for case instances
- [CAM-6583] - I can query for historic case activity statistics
- [CAM-6584] - In Case Definition View, I see the number open and finished case activity instances
- [CAM-6604] - On Cockpit Decision Definition View, I can filter decision instances
- [CAM-6605] - In Case Instance View, I see the number of open and finished case activity instances
- [CAM-6610] - I can query for historic case activity instances by multiple case activity instance ids
- [CAM-6612] - In Case Instance View, I can filter by selecting an activity on the diagram
- [CAM-6613] - On Human Task view, I can navigate to CMMN Views
- [CAM-6629] - I can query for historic case activities by case activity ids
- [CAM-6630] - I can query for historic variable instances by case activity ids
- [CAM-6631] - I can query for historic task instances by task definition keys
- [CAM-6644] - In Tasklist I can see a Diagram for a Task created from CMMN Human Task
- [CAM-6652] - In Case Instance View, I see the super process or case instance id
- [CAM-6653] - In Case Instance View, I see called process instances
- [CAM-6654] - In Case Instance View, I see called case instances
- [CAM-6655] - In Case Instance View, I see executed decisions
- [CAM-6661] - I can cancel process instances asynchronously using REST API
- [CAM-6664] - I can cancel process instances asynchronously using Java Api
- [CAM-6671] - I can retrieve the process definition name for a historic process instance
- [CAM-6672] - I can retrieve the case definition name for a historic case instance
- [CAM-6678] - I can query for activity-instance-end metrics
- [CAM-6686] - In Case Instance View, I can terminate an active case instance
- [CAM-6687] - In Case Instance View, I can add a variable
- [CAM-6688] - In Case Instance View, I can edit existing variables
- [CAM-6695] - I can define batch cancel process instances operation in cockpit
- [CAM-6696] - I can open batch operation confirmation view
- [CAM-6697] - I can open batch operation result view
- [CAM-6698] - I can navigate to batch operation view
- [CAM-6699] - When opening the Webapp, I see a welcome Screen
- [CAM-6701] - I can add plugins to the welcome page
- [CAM-6706] - On Decision Definition View, I can navigate to CMMN Views
- [CAM-6728] - In Decision Instance View, I can go to the super Case Instance
- [CAM-6729] - In Process Instance View, I can see called case instance
- [CAM-6745] - I can create batch cancellation operations using camunda-bpm-sdk-js
- [CAM-3385] - Extract BPMN activity types into public API constants
- [CAM-3762] - Disable "complete task" button in Tasklist while request is in flight
- [CAM-5681] - Fix typo in logging output of invoice example
- [CAM-6276] - Test public API is not broken by mistake in all projects
- [CAM-6492] - Create Test cases for Rolling Upgrades
- [CAM-6522] - Spike: dashboard sparkline
- [CAM-6542] - Proofread and correct User Task Forms section in the user guide
- [CAM-6547] - extend historic task report query
- [CAM-6561] - Use cmmn viewer to show cmmn diagram in repository view
- [CAM-6563] - Link to case definition in repository view in cockpit
- [CAM-6569] - document java api for historic task report query
- [CAM-6585] - Proofread and correct DMN Engine section in the user guide
- [CAM-6588] - I can see a message when there are no tasks in the completed task report
- [CAM-6589] - Change some labels for the completed task report
- [CAM-6590] - Create Link for each amount in completed task report
- [CAM-6597] - Make usage of the term update consistent
- [CAM-6599] - Restructure FoxJobRetryCmd to determine activity id for custom retry strategy based on process definition
- [CAM-6603] - Align filter for Process Instances with New Filter Pattern
- [CAM-6606] - Add metric resource to sdk-js
- [CAM-6607] - Rename "User Tasks" to "Human Tasks"
- [CAM-6609] - Harmonize Human Task Data tables
- [CAM-6614] - Remove min 8 Chars Password restriction in Admin
- [CAM-6615] - Extract rolling update test suite from instance migration test suite
- [CAM-6623] - I can write tests of the form: given 7.X API interaction, when 7.(X-1) API interaction, then success
- [CAM-6640] - Proofread and correct Logging section in the user guide
- [CAM-6647] - Make usage of the term update consistent in the rolling updates section
- [CAM-6651] - Evaluate if ACT_HI_ACTINST.PROC_DEF_KEY index speeds up history queries with authorization
- [CAM-6667] - Align style of "null" values in Cockpit
- [CAM-6670] - Remove jsdoc tasks from all camunda-bpm-sdk-js
- [CAM-6679] - Add indexes on PROC_DEF_KEY_ columns in history tables
- [CAM-6702] - From each webapp, I can navigate to the welcome page
- [CAM-6703] - When I click on the "profile" button, I am directed to the welcome page
- [CAM-6727] - Fix spring unit test suite memory consumption
- [CAM-6730] - Add a Case to the invoice example
- [CAM-6731] - Investigate class problems in rest tests in CI
- [CAM-6737] - fix non logging behavior in develop mode of ee webapp
- [CAM-6741] - Link to license page is not properly defined if webapp is deployed on root context
- [CAM-6747] - Create performance test for metric intervals
- [CAM-6752] - Update camunda commons versions in all projects to latest
- [CAM-6760] - Create index for new column of ACT_RU_METER_LOG table
- [CAM-6768] - Update dmn-js to v.0.6.1
- [CAM-6770] - Caching of Script Engines with Standalone DMN Engine
- [CAM-6771] - Script Compilation for DMN Engine
- [CAM-6773] - I can set restrictUserOperationLogToAuthenticatedUsers from command context
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