Bug Report
- [CAM-9571] - Failed jobs prevent other jobs in same instance from being executed
- [CAM-9932] - Spin Value XML and JSON lose transient flag when built from UntypedValue
- [CAM-10577] - Tomcat distro should use maxTotal instead of maxActive setting for database connection pool
- [CAM-10650] - SpringBoot Starter using CompositeHistoryEventHandler breaks BC
- [CAM-10832] - Externally cancelled subprocesses receive incorrect final state
- [CAM-10948] - Welcome Webapp only shows group memberships of user
- [CAM-10954] - Copying Start and End Time from Cockpit Process Instance view isn't time zone related.
- [CAM-10957] - In Cockpit, I cannot see clearly how many process instances are affected by batch modification operation
- [CAM-11049] - In Webapps, redirect after login is broken
- [CAM-11070] - An operation log entry is created when the license file is read from local directory
- [CAM-11073] - With Oracle db the limit of user operation log's annotation in the webapps (4000) is too much
- [CAM-11075] - In Cockpit, the stacktrace window allows for horizontal resize which can be pulled outside the parent container
- [CAM-11117] - Slow Historic Activity Instance query
- [CAM-11118] - Failing batch operation when queryMaxResultsLimit is configured
- [CAM-11147] - NullPointerException when two nodes tries to reconfigure history clean up
- [CAM-11148] - In REST API, check authorization request fails when query limit is active
- [CAM-11150] - In REST API, groups info request fails when query limit is active
- [CAM-11155] - In Cockpit User Operation Log Table, Details are not shown
- [CAM-11176] - Embedded forms display undefined select option
- [CAM-11179] - Task query 'withoutCandidateGroups' and 'withoutCandidateUsers' slow on Postgres
- [CAM-11206] - On Process Dashboard, sorting by Name is broken
- [CAM-11250] - History event process instance update instead of migrate emitted
Feature Request
- [CAM-9852] - Application Cache Busting for Translation Object
- [CAM-10378] - Accurately show the failed activity in cockpit
- [CAM-10628] - Support Camunda on Oracle 19c
- [CAM-10784] - I can see a hostname in historic Job Log
- [CAM-10895] - When modifying a process instance with a single cancel instruction, then the instances are preselected by the activity to cancel
- [CAM-10905] - BPMN model API: groups and categories
- [CAM-10952] - Query tasks by list of process instance ids
- [CAM-10983] - Start activities in closest common ancestor activity instance when moving tokens in process instance view
- [CAM-11131] - Support externallyTerminated flag for process instance cancelation through modification
- [CAM-11149] - In Java API, I can perform an unlimited query
- [CAM-11158] - I can configure if a process engine participates in history cleanup
- [CAM-11160] - Allow asynchronous on multi-instance characteristics
- [CAM-11182] - I can configure the invocations per batch job by batch type
- [CAM-11230] - Add BPMN Documentation through the BPMN Model API
- [CAM-11233] - I can query the Rest API Historic Job Logs endpoint by host name
- [CAM-11235] - Add missing getters to ProcessInstanceSuspensionStateDto
- [CAM-9456] - Identity Verification Rest API documentation error
- [CAM-9457] - Create user Rest endpoint has incomplete Consume annotation
- [CAM-10499] - Merge the webapp repos
- [CAM-10583] - Update typed-values old version after platform 7.12 release
- [CAM-10682] - Invoice example: Replace the CMMN call activity with a BPMN call activity
- [CAM-10779] - Update Mybatis to latest version
- [CAM-10882] - Document logging configurations for common cases
- [CAM-10888] - Automatically set up container for manual testing of Camunda in Weblogic and Websphere
- [CAM-10935] - PR: changes to portuguese translation
- [CAM-10953] - Add index to historic variable instance table
- [CAM-11007] - Activate Query limit for webapp development profiles
- [CAM-11032] - Update Platform versions after 7.12 release
- [CAM-11060] - Validate camundaBPM property of license key
- [CAM-11081] - In Tasklist, null is displayed in notification instead of task id
- [CAM-11094] - In Cockpit, the "SetAnnotation" is missing in the Operation Type drop down list
- [CAM-11095] - Improve user operation log documentation for the webapps
- [CAM-11100] - Remove testing code specific to SQL Server 2008
- [CAM-11102] - Remove testing code specific to JBoss 7 / JBoss EAP 61, 6.2, 6.3
- [CAM-11104] - Remove test code specific to Oracle 10
- [CAM-11105] - Move source code level to Java 8
- [CAM-11106] - Remove Wildfly 8 modules
- [CAM-11108] - Move DB2-version specific test code from 9.7/10.1 to 10.5
- [CAM-11128] - I can read documentation about the supported auto-config jackson modules
- [CAM-11132] - Documentation - Add History related metrics in built-in Metrics list
- [CAM-11141] - Add Object variables examples for Java External Task Client
- [CAM-11144] - Remove IE compatibility in webapp build process
- [CAM-11151] - Remove unreferenced class from REST API
- [CAM-11152] - I can read documentation about custom user/group queries and query limit
- [CAM-11153] - Use Production build of Inferno
- [CAM-11154] - Fix JIRA link in enterprise docs
- [CAM-11156] - Merge model API repositories into platform
- [CAM-11157] - Move postgres version specific test code from 9.1/9.3 to 9.4
- [CAM-11164] - In Cockpit, incidents badge is misplaced
- [CAM-11167] - camunda.cfg.prefix.xml configuration is not taken into account because of DbSchemaPrefixTestHelper
- [CAM-11171] - Remove Unit Tests for Commons-UI
- [CAM-11175] - Remove MapJacksonJsonTypeDetector in camunda-spin
- [CAM-11191] - Test transient flag is preserved in call activity mapping
- [CAM-11194] - Remove commons-ui documentation
- [CAM-11199] - Enable license check in sideprojects travis build
- [CAM-11211] - Remove NOTICE and LICENSE files from merged repos
- [CAM-11213] - In REST API documentation, name of payload property is wrong
- [CAM-11214] - In Cockpit, on cleanup page wrong state is indicated when cleanup is disabled
- [CAM-11215] - Document support for new license format
- [CAM-11222] - E2E tests are broken after Java 8 source code level change
- [CAM-11231] - Refactor ProcessDefinitionQueryDto attributes to protected
- [CAM-11237] - Doc - update create model api sample code
- [CAM-11247] - Incorrectly uploaded artifacts in nexus via the test release job
- [CAM-11284] - Release adjustment due to Maven Central 501 HTTPS Required
- [CAM-11133] - Publish QA docker images automatically by release build
- [CAM-11190] - In REST API, activity instance tree maps incidents to activity ids
- [CAM-11217] - Custom History Event Handlers do not overwrite the default
- [CAM-11241] - Refactor the creation of batch operations
- [CAM-11243] - Remove file ending from LICENSE.txt and NOTICE.txt for distros
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