Design Task
- [OPT-3542] - Filter snippets design refinement
- [OPT-3544] - Communication of app with user
- [OPT-3724] - Align Page header design across the app
- [OPT-3726] - Autogeneration - Communicate, clarify and support users
- [OPT-3824] - Solve overlapping modals
- [OPT-4015] - Configuration of visualisations
- [OPT-4164] - Searching Entity lists
- [OPT-4197] - Small Frontend tweaks
- [OPT-4523] - Flow of Events addition / deletion
- [OPT-4631] - Prototype stage two: Combined reports
- [OPT-4810] - Report builder sidebar UI
- [OPT-4813] - Applied Filter Snippet re-design
Bug Report
- [OPT-4175] - Too frequent engine/version rest calls caused by status websocket updates
- [OPT-4350] - Rows per page setting reset after changing table sorting
- [OPT-4355] - Focus frame not aligned
- [OPT-4384] - Decision Definition XML Import fails with NullPointerException on missing input/outputType
- [OPT-4522] - Decision Report - Date Evaluation Filter mentions `Process Instance` instead of `Decision
- [OPT-4694] - Cannot click and drag the scrollbar in user search dropdown list
- [OPT-4714] - Cannot collapse Assignee / Candidate Group dropdwon in Firefox
- [OPT-4735] - Data Generation Date distribution is not updating all instances
- [OPT-4743] - Using multiple view level filters displays a confusing instance count
- [OPT-4757] - Pagination in shared report is not working
Feature Request
- [OPT-1799] - I can filter process instances by incident state
- [OPT-4484] - keep definition dependent filters when changing definition/version
- [OPT-4544] - Flow node status is added as a filter and removed from configuration popover
- [OPT-4550] - Provide more accurate event frequency indicator in the events table in the FE EBP view
- [OPT-4746] - Add link to documentation for telemetry modal
- [OPT-2217] - use commonProps and remove dive from ReportEdit tests
- [OPT-2473] - Cache latest definitions in back-end
- [OPT-3298] - Improve efficiency of camunda activity event index exist check
- [OPT-3760] - Disable colour picker when report colour cannot be changed
- [OPT-3923] - Simplify the process part calculation
- [OPT-3943] - Fetch dedicated user/group authorizations instead of fetching all authorizations at once
- [OPT-4182] - selectively import date language translations
- [OPT-4206] - Add sorting on groupBy level for distributed reports
- [OPT-4378] - All filters display overflow via pop over
- [OPT-4454] - Remove backend bucket limiting
- [OPT-4580] - Extract AWS ES tests into dedicated job
- [OPT-4612] - Run UpdateBy/DeleteBy queries with the async task API
- [OPT-4613] - Restrict external event ingestion using camunda source
- [OPT-4629] - Document custom values for string variable filters
- [OPT-4639] - update user guide for the new control panel and flownode level filters
- [OPT-4697] - Use the version-less snapshot to test the latest engine version
- [OPT-4733] - E2e Screenshot generation Open Report Filter screenshots lack filter list
- [OPT-4761] - Resolve Delete/UpdateBy query logs bloating the log
- [OPT-4762] - improve adding existing filters
- [OPT-4763] - Extract 'restore test data' into reusable shared lib function
- [OPT-4765] - Rename Autogeneration DTOs
- [OPT-4767] - Tidy up EBP Event DTOs
- [OPT-4770] - restructure some sections in report user guide
- [OPT-4778] - Add a couple more candidate groups to test data
- [OPT-4780] - improve incompatible filters warnings
- [OPT-4790] - Align definition getter naming and ensure definitions in cache is fully imported
- [OPT-4791] - update to dmn major version and fix breaking changes
- [OPT-4795] - Query Performance Test issues with tooManyBuckets Exceptions
- [OPT-4797] - Automate discovery of UpgradePlans
- [OPT-4802] - Change Google cloud SDK to new registry
- [OPT-4819] - Extract CamBPM and Elasticsearch version retrieval into shared lib function
Feature Part
- [OPT-4377] - Rename Process Instance Flow Node Filter Buttons
- [OPT-4786] - I can use assignee/candidate group filter for dashboards
- [OPT-4545] - Flow node status is added as a filter that works with flow node reports
- [OPT-4551] - Allow users to inspect events in the event mapping table to get the count
- [OPT-4715] - Add User Guide Documentation for incident filter
- [OPT-4732] - Prevent use of 'camunda' as ingested event source
- [OPT-4736] - Add new completed instance only flow node status filter
- [OPT-4737] - Existing flow node status configurations are migrated to be new filters
- [OPT-4738] - Remove the flow node execution state from the configuration
- [OPT-4740] - Flow node status is added as a filter and removed from configuration popover
- [OPT-4742] - Design: Event Count display
- [OPT-4744] - Make flow node status view level filter work with user task reports
- [OPT-4745] - update user guide for status filter
- [OPT-4759] - Remove backend bucket limiting for date reports
- [OPT-4760] - Remove backend bucket limiting for other non date report types
- [OPT-4776] - Remove isComplete flag from report eval results
- [OPT-4784] - Allow Dashboard Editors to make assignee filters available
- [OPT-4789] - Remove FE usage of isComplete flag in report result
- [OPT-4792] - Keep variable filters when changing definition/version
- [OPT-4800] - Keep flow node filters when changing definition/version
- [OPT-4801] - keep view or group by variable (if possible) when changing definition
- [OPT-4803] - Add special "external" sub-path for which all requests are rewritten to "/"
- [OPT-4807] - Share URLs include the `/external` subpath
- [OPT-4822] - Add missing IT for usage of identity filter as "additionalFilter"
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