Release Notes - Camunda Optimize - Version 3.0.0-alpha2 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [OPT-1741] - Flow nodes are fetched twice
  • [OPT-1829] - I can't add an Optimize license in certain IE11 versions
  • [OPT-2363] - Weird gap in Analysis control panel
  • [OPT-2605] - Keyboard navigation in report builder is broken (edge)
  • [OPT-3107] - Demo startup script does not work in windows if path contains whitespaces
  • [OPT-3160] - Share links do not contain complete current application path
  • [OPT-3180] - Decision table hard to read in dark mode
  • [OPT-3206] - Missing Translation for Undefined Tasks in List of Data Sources
  • [OPT-3214] - The optimize ingestion API does not publish the correct start event ingestion count
  • [OPT-3221] - Entitylist content disapears when zooming out in firefox
  • [OPT-3228] - Prevent Collection Role Cleanup on identity sync if Authorization request fails
  • [OPT-3269] - CronNormalizerUtil is not correctly converting crontab to spring cron expressions
  • [OPT-3282] - Upgrade IT not running
  • [OPT-3316] - Docker image built by release job lacks lib folder
  • [OPT-3350] - Polling for Optimize server fails on windows in demo script

Feature Request

  • [OPT-1690] - Add support for collectResultValue in raw data reports
  • [OPT-2417] - Easy way to insert report between others on dashboard
  • [OPT-2496] - Reports that allow group by flow node distribute by assignee / candidate group


  • [OPT-1355] - Reduce code-duplication in Report Drag and resize behavior
  • [OPT-1376] - Make group by variables ui its own component
  • [OPT-1446] - Refactor the ReportDataHelper
  • [OPT-1610] - Write utility to check if Optimize db is fully in sync with a given cambpm database
  • [OPT-1934] - Use variable name from groupby instead of parsing xml for decision reports
  • [OPT-2387] - Dynamically download report generators in post-migration-test module
  • [OPT-2710] - Automatically do definiton/tenant authorization check
  • [OPT-2711] - Add optimize api tests the validate every supported engine database works
  • [OPT-2778] - Use pre generated engine dataset in front-end setup
  • [OPT-2871] - Create definition tenant and version grouping with an elasticsearch aggregation
  • [OPT-2896] - Document how Optimize copes with deleted data/deployments
  • [OPT-3023] - Update CRA to 3.3
  • [OPT-3050] - The user should get informed about the particular data source conflicts on copy&move
  • [OPT-3079] - Upgrade performance test on large static dataset needs to assert doc counts
  • [OPT-3080] - Upgrade should report batch failures
  • [OPT-3113] - Set seen state of test users via Optimize API
  • [OPT-3116] - Move License setup for dev environment to startBackend.js
  • [OPT-3145] - Collection role creation by user/groupId that is not in cache
  • [OPT-3151] - Use HttpStatus constants instead of integers in status code assertions in the IT
  • [OPT-3158] - Resolve nightly import performance test timing out
  • [OPT-3182] - Refactor EventClient
  • [OPT-3195] - Sequential Camunda activity event log for Event Based Processes
  • [OPT-3196] - Optimize should always send the max result size query parameter
  • [OPT-3208] - Update Event Ingestion REST API documentation
  • [OPT-3211] - Do Event index Rollover based on size only
  • [OPT-3212] - Add process model with group elements to the data generation
  • [OPT-3213] - The user should get informed about the particular data source conflicts on copy&move
  • [OPT-3217] - Support plain Json context type on cloudEvents API
  • [OPT-3219] - Remove retries on Jenkins pipelines
  • [OPT-3241] - Refactor how distributedByNone is handled
  • [OPT-3267] - Fix broken engine-compatiblity tests
  • [OPT-3268] - Add Elasticsearch 7.6.0 support
  • [OPT-3277] - Document that missing connection to engine can remove the roles from a collection
  • [OPT-3278] - Document that users can use spring cron expression to define repeating tasks in Optimize
  • [OPT-3281] - AllEntitiesBasedIndexHandler should page through all results and not just fetch one page
  • [OPT-3323] - Previously mapped events count entries are kept in the count response

Bug Part

  • [OPT-3255] - Event source entries might have a null id

Feature Part

  • [OPT-3136] - Implement the new redesigned date filter
  • [OPT-3197] - REST API to store Camunda Events Sources on event based processes
  • [OPT-3244] - API to query an identity by id


  • [OPT-3170] - adjust report configurations to include distribute by assignee and candidate group
  • [OPT-3171] - Allow to distribute by assignee/candidate group for user task reports
  • [OPT-3186] - Event Based Process Permission API
  • [OPT-3188] - Write completed activity instances to dedicated index
  • [OPT-3189] - Store start/end activities for completed process instances
  • [OPT-3190] - Split the activities index into multiple indices based on some criteria
  • [OPT-3192] - Prevent storing of activities if event-based process feature is disabled
  • [OPT-3210] - Cleanup mapping on every event based process save
  • [OPT-3216] - Create activities for process during import of active process instances
  • [OPT-3218] - Create activities during import of active camunda activities
  • [OPT-3220] - Import camunda variable update data
  • [OPT-3223] - Event Based Process is only accessible if the user is authorized to all event sources
  • [OPT-3227] - Create business key lookup for process instances
  • [OPT-3230] - Event Mapping Table API for camunda Events
  • [OPT-3239] - Improve handling of invalid user/groupIds
  • [OPT-3242] - move 'last + custom number' option into a dedicated date type
  • [OPT-3243] - Reorder Mapping table column order
  • [OPT-3251] - Create Identity API to get current user
  • [OPT-3254] - Extend the API with typed event sources
  • [OPT-3270] - Store the Event Process data sources as part of the publish state DTO
  • [OPT-3271] - Create mediators for each event source of an event based process
  • [OPT-3273] - Camunda process count and trace index
  • [OPT-3279] - Prevent storing of event process mappings with no event sources
  • [OPT-3280] - Consolidate EventCount/Trace and Engine Import Architecture
  • [OPT-3313] - Camunda events have their variables written when being converted to process instance events
  • [OPT-3333] - Event Process Mapping Cleanup-API
  • [OPT-3353] - Replace Phaser with AtomicInt in EventProcessInstanceIndexManager

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