Release Notes - camunda BPM - Version 7.4.0-alpha3 - HTML format

Bug Report

  • [CAM-3442] - Implicit variable updates are not reflected in history
  • [CAM-3485] - Translation for "Erstellungsdatum" displayed in lower case
  • [CAM-4092] - Tasklist navbar toggle button don't respond in narrow screen
  • [CAM-4241] - Tasklist Task History Overflow with long username
  • [CAM-4252] - Wrong Authorization-related Javadoc for JobDefinition operations
  • [CAM-4279] - Cannot supply serialized object variables when using MessageCorrelationBuilder
  • [CAM-4562] - Docs Layout issue
  • [CAM-4606] - Images in process instance modification docs don't show up
  • [CAM-4607] - Load timeout for cockpit history plugin
  • [CAM-4636] - Unable to evaluate decisions in the platform outside of a context
  • [CAM-4653] - Changing bytes via upload changes type to File
  • [CAM-4663] - A user named * can create/edit/delete all other users
  • [CAM-4671] - Variable scope link triggers page refresh
  • [CAM-4674] - Cannot update local task variables
  • [CAM-4675] - dmn demo download serves outdated table
  • [CAM-4692] - Wrong assets path on commons-ui GH pages
  • [CAM-4704] - AuthorizationException is thrown on definition view in cockpit
  • [CAM-4718] - Hit policy dropdown is overlaid by the aggregation dropdown
  • [CAM-4724] - I cannot deactivate forced closing of MyBatis connection pool
  • [CAM-4727] - Annotation header title missing in Cockpit DMN tables
  • [CAM-4732] - DbIdentityServiceProvider - Error when creating a User, Group and the corresponding Membership in one step
  • [CAM-4744] - If I provide neither name nor id, an empty id is serialized
  • [CAM-4750] - Test case fails from time to time: HistoricDecisionInstanceTest
  • [CAM-4755] - Wrong cursor style for modal dialogs
  • [CAM-4763] - Dialog to edit a value inside the dmn-table stays open when closing the "Edit DMN" dialog in cockpit
  • [CAM-4768] - DMN table header border partially missing in Firefox
  • [CAM-4775] - Empty annotations are rendered as undefined in IE
  • [CAM-4781] - Context Menu has wrong position on scrolled table
  • [CAM-4782] - Complex Cell stays open when opening context menu
  • [CAM-4785] - Harmonize session expired message in cockpit
  • [CAM-4795] - Can't use Beans from Process Application in DMN expressions
  • [CAM-4802] - Loading an object var which is concurrently deleted fails
  • [CAM-4808] - Docs anchors incorrect scrolling
  • [CAM-4814] - Key of OutputValue is null when no camunda:output is provided
  • [CAM-4819] - Hide the link to process instance if a decision was not evaluated during an execution
  • [CAM-4821] - Definition Tab overlays the dmn table in the repository view
  • [CAM-4825] - adjust decision table in invoice showcase
  • [CAM-4841] - Search dropdown is overlapped by deployment containers
  • [CAM-4843] - Click on "See new deployment" does not update the search filter
  • [CAM-4849] - User operation log is always written
  • [CAM-4850] - User operation log is lost when a deployment is deleted
  • [CAM-4851] - Add missing service producers for CDI
  • [CAM-4852] - Duplicated classes of FeelEngineProvider
  • [CAM-4875] - Historic job log doesn't use ClockUtil
  • [CAM-4877] - Decision without name is not visible on dashboard
  • [CAM-4880] - Input or output clauses without a name lead to an invalid table in cockpit
  • [CAM-4884] - No line break for long search value in FireFox
  • [CAM-4890] - Unable to use POJO in FEEL
  • [CAM-4898] - Model APIs generate random ID on read
  • [CAM-4899] - Wrong Bootstrap version referenced in docs
  • [CAM-4924] - Activity link in history variable log is broken
  • [CAM-4932] - Cmmn model API returns internal classes
  • [CAM-4950] - Conditional sequence flow leaving a cross-process-application call activity does not resolve in correct process application
  • [CAM-4958] - Tasklist resolves "plugin://" to "admin"
  • [CAM-4964] - NPE during event subscription lookup
  • [CAM-4971] - DecisionTableResultMapper not null safe
  • [CAM-4975] - spinner wheel while loading DMN tables not working properly
  • [CAM-4976] - Cannot create new authorization in empty list
  • [CAM-4984] - Historic Decision Input/Output Instance cannot handle serialized Values
  • [CAM-4985] - Wrong failure http status when evaluating a decision
  • [CAM-4986] - VariableInstanceQueries perform an unnecessary join to case execution table
  • [CAM-5007] - historyLevel displayed numeric on engine startup

Feature Request

  • [CAM-2209] - Mention "MessageCorrelationBuilder" in BPMN Implementation Reference
  • [CAM-3517] - I can view and edit candidate users in cockpit
  • [CAM-3529] - In Cockpit I can search for finished and unfinished instances
  • [CAM-3888] - Expose HistoryService#deleteHistoricProcessInstance through REST API
  • [CAM-4040] - I can see the business key in the historic instance view
  • [CAM-4144] - I can read docs about job prioritization
  • [CAM-4168] - I can access a demo of on the web
  • [CAM-4183] - When using a VariableInstanceQuery, it is possible to disable fetching of file contents
  • [CAM-4294] - Improve handling of meaningless API range queries
  • [CAM-4338] - Provide a DecisionService in the BPM platform
  • [CAM-4470] - Using the REST API, I can delete a Task
  • [CAM-4479] - I can check if Spin json value is null
  • [CAM-4516] - For a call activity/process task, I can map all local variables to the called process instance
  • [CAM-4613] - I can see the content of a resource of a deployment
  • [CAM-4616] - I can redeploy an old version as the latest version
  • [CAM-4619] - Using Java API, I can configure external handling of a service task, poll task instances, and complete them
  • [CAM-4620] - Using Java API, I can report an error for an external task instance
  • [CAM-4621] - Using Java API, I can unlock external task instances
  • [CAM-4622] - Using the Java API, I can poll external tasks for multiple topics
  • [CAM-4624] - I can restrict access to external task instances with authorizations
  • [CAM-4627] - Add Support for CMMN version 1.1
  • [CAM-4628] - I can use FEEL
  • [CAM-4630] - User friendly FEEL exceptions
  • [CAM-4633] - I can use "date and time" in FEEL
  • [CAM-4635] - Using Java API, I can suspend external tasks
  • [CAM-4639] - I can use data types for date and time in DMN engine
  • [CAM-4641] - I can read documentation on the external task concept and Java API
  • [CAM-4644] - Using the Java API, I can query for external tasks
  • [CAM-4645] - I can use external task properties in the BPMN model API
  • [CAM-4664] - I can edit the hitPolicy of a decision table
  • [CAM-4666] - I can see which rules have fired for a decision instance
  • [CAM-4667] - I can see inputs of a decision instance directly on the table
  • [CAM-4681] - In cockpit, I can see the key of a process definition
  • [CAM-4682] - Docs: Cannot select code examples with mouse using Firefox
  • [CAM-4683] - I can see case, process and decision definitions in repository view
  • [CAM-4688] - Using the Rest Api, when downloading a deployment resource, the filename is preserved
  • [CAM-4689] - Using the REST API, I can work with external tasks
  • [CAM-4702] - In cockpit, I can see the key of a decision definition
  • [CAM-4708] - Empty expressions are handled by DMN engine
  • [CAM-4709] - I can redeploy deployments and deployment resources
  • [CAM-4710] - I can set a source of a deployment
  • [CAM-4711] - In Repository View, I can open a Decision Table for editing
  • [CAM-4712] - In Repository View, I can deploy a changed Decision Table
  • [CAM-4713] - From Decision Definition view, I can open the edit mode in repository view
  • [CAM-4715] - Context Switch can handle new deployments
  • [CAM-4730] - I can see the deployment source in the repository view
  • [CAM-4731] - Provide clone method for all model APIs
  • [CAM-4745] - I can work with big tables in the dmn demo
  • [CAM-4758] - I can audit deployment creation in the user operation log
  • [CAM-4766] - Expose incident handler type names in public API
  • [CAM-4776] - I can navigate back from review adjustments to table edit mode
  • [CAM-4777] - Provide REST API for Evaluate a Decision
  • [CAM-4778] - I can authorize access to Decision Service
  • [CAM-4791] - Expose Typed Value Info key constants in public package
  • [CAM-4800] - I can see the output values on the dmn table
  • [CAM-4804] - In cockpit I can navigate from the Process Instance to the Decision Instances it triggered
  • [CAM-4817] - I can start a shared engine installation with Job Executor turned off
  • [CAM-4824] - In repository view, I can see the version of a bpmn, dmn, cmmn definition
  • [CAM-4828] - I can audit deployment deletion in the user operation log
  • [CAM-4836] - Change Order of Process Versions in Dropdown
  • [CAM-4895] - I can set the mapper for the decision result in Model API
  • [CAM-4902] - In Admin, I can query for EDE
  • [CAM-4929] - I can authorize the Decision Definition Ressource
  • [CAM-4931] - In Admin I can grant authorization for resource Decision Definition
  • [CAM-4934] - I can navigate to deployments from Cockpit dashboard
  • [CAM-4938] - I can use the Decision Task
  • [CAM-4970] - Convenience factory methods for org.camunda.bpm.engine.variable.Variables
  • [CAM-4998] - I can use the @Deployment annotation on test classes


  • [CAM-2116] - Replace Test Scopes with new version
  • [CAM-3909] - Replace use of COALESCE with database specific if-null function
  • [CAM-4091] - Reduce complexity of suspension state check in job query
  • [CAM-4145] - Update REST assured version to 2.5.0
  • [CAM-4154] - Developer Guide Execution Structure SVGs broken on linux
  • [CAM-4318] - I can read REST api docs on task variables
  • [CAM-4354] - Write migration tests for changes introduced with CAM-4285
  • [CAM-4413] - Redirect "latest/" traffic to 7.3
  • [CAM-4419] - Improve Cockpit dashboard if no instances exists
  • [CAM-4436] - make tasklist the default for the camunda webapp
  • [CAM-4444] - Enable Logging for unit tests
  • [CAM-4465] - I can publish staged docs
  • [CAM-4474] - Docs Migration: Enterprise
  • [CAM-4494] - Review Google Site Search Integration
  • [CAM-4598] - Communicate security enhancements due to bug fix CAM-3915
  • [CAM-4605] - Fix docs search field in Firefox
  • [CAM-4650] - Extract Typed Value API into own maven module
  • [CAM-4651] - Use typed value API inside DMN engine
  • [CAM-4652] - Remove DMN Result unpacking
  • [CAM-4661] - Remove duplicated HttpClient in Cockpit and Tasklist
  • [CAM-4665] - Improve hide details functionality in dmn-js
  • [CAM-4680] - Use CE test infrastructure in EE tests
  • [CAM-4685] - As Webapp User I can see the complete username in the menu bar
  • [CAM-4686] - Update German Tasklist Translations to 7.4 Version
  • [CAM-4691] - Improve layout of repository view
  • [CAM-4693] - Port to Hugo
  • [CAM-4697] - Harmonize datatypes DMN UI <> engine
  • [CAM-4698] - display a warning message, in case the screen of the webapp gets to small
  • [CAM-4699] - Persist empty expressions as empty string
  • [CAM-4701] - I can set aggregators for collect hit policies
  • [CAM-4703] - Document authorization for Decision Definition
  • [CAM-4706] - Remove all the unexpected hacks from DMN engine
  • [CAM-4707] - Fail if FEEL engine is used in something other than simple unary tests
  • [CAM-4722] - Update Wildfly version from 8.2.0 to 8.2.1
  • [CAM-4723] - Use variable table widget in history view in cockpit
  • [CAM-4725] - Serialization of DMN Result in Process Engine
  • [CAM-4729] - Fix API compatibly test
  • [CAM-4737] - Stabalize JobAcquisitionBackoffTest
  • [CAM-4738] - Stabilize HistoricDecisionInstanceTest
  • [CAM-4739] - Create Blog with Posts and Categories
  • [CAM-4742] - Clarify: DMN types vs. Engine types (Dates...)
  • [CAM-4743] - Move dmn.js to bpmn-io github organization
  • [CAM-4747] - DMN 1.1 Issue
  • [CAM-4749] - Provide Camunda compatible DMN XSD
  • [CAM-4752] - Add docker community extension to docs
  • [CAM-4754] - Use quotes in DMN UI example
  • [CAM-4759] - Provide IE support for DMN in Cockpit
  • [CAM-4761] - Fix dmn-js styles for IE9
  • [CAM-4769] - Document third party deps of camunda javascript sdk
  • [CAM-4770] - Rename impl package in typed values api
  • [CAM-4773] - Google search results does not show a description about
  • [CAM-4792] - Fix REST API wildfly compatibility tests
  • [CAM-4794] - Use valueType form part when setting a binary variable in frontend
  • [CAM-4798] - Remove DMN Script Task and Script Engine
  • [CAM-4799] - Update DMN deployer resources suffixes
  • [CAM-4807] - Update Architecture Overview in Docs
  • [CAM-4809] - Improve documentation of user assignment
  • [CAM-4813] - I can use Date Type in Decision Table
  • [CAM-4815] - Update Services API Docs
  • [CAM-4816] - All javadocref links are broken
  • [CAM-4818] - Fix 7.2 to 7.4 migration tests
  • [CAM-4820] - Commit all doc sources in Git
  • [CAM-4823] - Propose DMN Extension Elements
  • [CAM-4826] - Different symbols for red and green status on cockpit dashboard
  • [CAM-4830] - Update DMN OMG proposal for Names
  • [CAM-4831] - Add Example to DMN OMG extension element proposal
  • [CAM-4842] - Search widget should listen to change in URL
  • [CAM-4853] - Add links to enterprise docs
  • [CAM-4858] - Adopt DMN 1.1 schema in DMN model API
  • [CAM-4859] - Adopt DMN 1.1 schema in DMN moddle
  • [CAM-4860] - Adopt DMN 1.1 in dmn-io table UI
  • [CAM-4861] - Adopt DMN 1.1 in dmn-engine transformer
  • [CAM-4862] - Change name of camunda:output
  • [CAM-4864] - Migrate all DMN files to DMN 1.1
  • [CAM-4868] - GA for blog
  • [CAM-4869] - Comments for Blog
  • [CAM-4870] - Imprint for blog
  • [CAM-4871] - Links in Blog
  • [CAM-4872] - Archive for Blog
  • [CAM-4873] - We can release the blog
  • [CAM-4874] - Blog shows wrong dates
  • [CAM-4876] - Improve layout of deployment actions
  • [CAM-4878] - Improve DMN Engine integration into BPMN engine
  • [CAM-4881] - Improve the way the BPMN viewer is included in new blog
  • [CAM-4882] - Create a page for the blog tags
  • [CAM-4887] - upload dmn file without clicking the Load file button
  • [CAM-4888] - Adjust error notification for unsupported dmn file format
  • [CAM-4893] - Implement the header widget in tasklist
  • [CAM-4896] - Minimize the Public API of the DMN Engine
  • [CAM-4906] - Remove browser confirmation dialogs in Admin
  • [CAM-4915] - Document Decision Table Inputs and Outputs
  • [CAM-4916] - Document Decision Service
  • [CAM-4917] - Document Decision History
  • [CAM-4922] - Harmonize icons for incident symbol
  • [CAM-4928] - Upgrade Groovy version in distro to 2.4.5
  • [CAM-4935] - Remove custom keystore
  • [CAM-4937] - Align RepetitionRule implementation with CMMN 1.1 specification
  • [CAM-4941] - Port remaining logging to slf4j
  • [CAM-4943] - Update DMN 1.1 namspace in backend files
  • [CAM-4944] - Update DMN 1.1 namspace in frontend files
  • [CAM-4947] - Document the Data Types in DMN
  • [CAM-4951] - Document expression resolution context for call activity and case/process task output parameters
  • [CAM-4952] - Don't display full resource name in deployment view
  • [CAM-4955] - Update the manual installation guides with the jobExecutorDeploymentAware property
  • [CAM-4959] - Verify Logging output on all servers
  • [CAM-4965] - Improve labels in Metrics view in Admin
  • [CAM-4983] - Model API model should return null for non set namespace alternatives
  • [CAM-4987] - webapp-E2E decision table live editing test doesn't set an outputName
  • [CAM-4992] - Use orange for CMMN markers table
  • [CAM-4995] - Write Integration Test for SLF4J Backend
  • [CAM-5002] - Release camunda-spin 1.2.0
  • [CAM-5003] - Release camunda-commons 1.2.0
  • [CAM-5012] - Align repetition rule documentation with implementation
  • [CAM-5015] - Release docs for latest 7.4.0-alpha3

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