- [CAM-13966] - Make Run equal in features with respect to other shared engine distributions
Bug Report
- [CAM-10472] - In the REST API, the file name in the content-disposition header can be ill-formatted
- [CAM-11269] - In Scala FEEL Engine, unary-test comparison without braces cannot be evaluated
- [CAM-11808] - Cannot filter for low-precision date values
- [CAM-11911] - In Spring Boot & Camunda Run, /camunda/ shows error 404 instead of redirection
- [CAM-12790] - In Cockpit, selecting all actions is broken in job retries dialog on process instance view
- [CAM-13753] - DMN table cells with long words overlap in DMN table view in Camunda 7.15 Cockpit
- [CAM-13833] - Logback logger read bpmn files before parsing
- [CAM-13897] - Camunda Forms: "Number" and "Select" can not save or submit empty fields with default value
- [CAM-13937] - REST API cannot handle java.time.* values anymore
- [CAM-13964] - Can only navigate to process engine in webapps with trailing slash
- [CAM-13990] - XML declaration tag missing in engine-rest's web.xml in Docker image
- [CAM-13992] - Query for updating the removal time for batches performs poorly on MySQL
- [CAM-13996] - Spring Boot external task client uses incorrect application.yaml example
- [CAM-14006] - Query for retrieving last failure log id performs poorly
- [CAM-14007] - Async-before start event fails with triggered non-interrupting event subprocess
- [CAM-14009] - Oracle WebLogic update guide references wrong artifact
- [CAM-14013] - New task notification link not working
- [CAM-14030] - Class not found exception while loading SpringConfigurationHelper
- [CAM-14071] - Document behavior of POST [task/{id}/claim | task/{id}/assignee] with empty payload
- [CAM-14092] - Query authorization check uses IN condition that performs poorly on MySQL
- [CAM-14094] - NullPointerException is thrown when accessing a JSON typed variable with null value
- [CAM-14115] - Only join history when needed for process instance query.
- [CAM-14116] - Joining parallel or inclusive gateway async after makes execution stuck on joining inclusive gateway
- [CAM-14125] - Task comment internationalization in Camunda rest-engine
- [CAM-14153] - Cannot change task's formKey via BPMN parse listener
- [CAM-14171] - Inaccessible tenantId for BpmnParseListener
- [CAM-14185] - Form with readonly boolean field cannot be submitted - validation of readonly failed
- [CAM-14188] - Changes to select control of the embedded form are not detected after browser refresh
- [CAM-14189] - TypedValueBuilders as execution variable lose transient flag
- [CAM-14206] - In Cockpit, never-ending loading spinner is shown in the process instances search on no result
- [CAM-14272] - Unable to submit Camunda Form if the process instance contains an object variable with data > 4000 characters
- [CAM-14283] - Concurrent access to SAX parser factory fails application deployment
- [CAM-14306] - Bug in AuthenticationManager
- [CAM-14308] - Extension properties are parsed incorrectly for external events
- [CAM-14310] - Nullpointer on GET /engine-rest/telemetry/data with 7.17.0-alpha3
- [CAM-14314] - Cannot set system permission via RESTAPI
- [CAM-14333] - Camunda Cockpit login page sends request to non-existing /camunda-welcome URL
- [CAM-14345] - Exception when retrieving activity instance for async after multi-instance activity
- [CAM-14370] - Careers link in docs is broken
- [CAM-14448] - Camunda Docker image JMX_PROMETHEUS flag overrides CATALINA_OPTS
- [CAM-14515] - In Cockpit, instance modification/restart doesn't work inside collapsed subprocesses
Feature Request
- [CAM-11837] - I can use Connectors in Camunda BPM Run out of the box
- [CAM-11913] - As a developer, I can use Groovy from within the Camunda run distro
- [CAM-11955] - As a Java developer, I want to use JUnit5 to write unit tests
- [CAM-12043] - As a cockpit user, I want to filter process instances with multiple values for one search parameter
- [CAM-12514] - Support MariaDB 10.6
- [CAM-12816] - ETC should not trigger exp. backoff strategy for empty but successful requests
- [CAM-13112] - Handling of collapsed subprocesses in Cockpit
- [CAM-13267] - Support DB2 11.5
- [CAM-13338] - In Camunda Run, I can register process engine plugins
- [CAM-13425] - Confirmation dialog for TTL change
- [CAM-13569] - Multiple incident handlers for the same type of incident
- [CAM-13590] - Support Weblogic 14
- [CAM-13636] - Adapt name pricing metrics to legal contracts / sales wording
- [CAM-13640] - Make execution metrics dialog easier to use
- [CAM-13646] - Request telemetry protocol from local installation
- [CAM-13707] - Support WildFly 26
- [CAM-13816] - Support Java 17
- [CAM-13957] - REST API to get registered deployments in every application
- [CAM-13967] - Support Spring Boot 2.6
- [CAM-14059] - Explicit opt-in for batch restart
- [CAM-14196] - Share process instance action list via CSV
- [CAM-14205] - Support H2 2.0
- [CAM-14293] - I can use a shutdown script for Run
- [CAM-11812] - Update NOTICE files for 2022
- [CAM-11900] - Camunda BPM Run: CORS filter does not allow all HTTP request headers
- [CAM-12605] - Take ownership of Camunda BPM docker containers
- [CAM-13447] - Improve LDAP setup with Camunda Platform Run
- [CAM-13668] - Add Graal.js test dependency to old-engine tests
- [CAM-13781] - Integrate Liquibase into minor version database update guide
- [CAM-13886] - Retire environments no longer supported with 7.16
- [CAM-13948] - Follow-up tasks for the automation-platform-vulnerability-scan
- [CAM-13979] - Remove Aurora Postgres 9.6 from 7.17, 7.16, 7.15 CI
- [CAM-14005] - 7.17.0-alpha1 is released
- [CAM-14017] - Refactor BaseCallableElement#hasDynamicReferences to be more object oriented
- [CAM-14018] - Cockpit batch operation - E2E test
- [CAM-14025] - Update documentation screenshots to new properties panel design
- [CAM-14054] - Adjust discrepancies of terms type and value in the REST API docs
- [CAM-14072] - Rename deprecated CAMBPM_LOGGER_LOG_LEVEL in Jenkinsfiles
- [CAM-14077] - Remove unused e2e tests
- [CAM-14078] - Replace discontinued git:// protocol in npm package files
- [CAM-14084] - In vulnerability scanner, access token is obtain from github app
- [CAM-14104] - Document scriptEngineNameJavaScript in the process engine configuration reference
- [CAM-14113] - Use Liquibase for schema updates in QA test suites
- [CAM-14121] - Fix typo in tuple method in ActivityExecutionHierarchyWalker
- [CAM-14134] - Release jobs revert https:// to git:// protocol in npm files
- [CAM-14140] - Adjust Easy Telemetry
- [CAM-14141] - The Spin process engine plugin can pass configuration options to Spin
- [CAM-14142] - Update Spring to the latest version
- [CAM-14143] - Spring Boot integration tests fail with out of memory problems
- [CAM-14147] - Remove JBoss AS 7 artifact upload from release jobs
- [CAM-14172] - Failing Spring Boot CsrfPreventionIT
- [CAM-14178] - Increase max heap size for failsafe in Spring Boot Starter QA
- [CAM-14181] - Update log4j to >= 2.15.0
- [CAM-14186] - New Run features are documented in the upgrade guide
- [CAM-14191] - Update log4j to 2.16.0
- [CAM-14192] - Update Logback to >= 1.2.8
- [CAM-14203] - Update log4j to 2.17.0
- [CAM-14204] - Bump logback to 1.2.9
- [CAM-14208] - Enterprise downloads page still offers JBoss AS 7 downloads for 7.16
- [CAM-14220] - Update log4j to >= 2.17.1
- [CAM-14230] - Camunda Automation Platform 7.17 is released
- [CAM-14268] - Fix CustomJacksonDateFormatTest
- [CAM-14271] - Update GSON library to >= 2.8.9
- [CAM-14275] - Adjust Quarkus examples to set a deployment name
- [CAM-14284] - Do not log LDAP system properties on Run startup
- [CAM-14285] - Disable non-localhost access to h2 console in Tomcat and Wildfly distributions
- [CAM-14292] - Remove cors.request.decorate property from Camunda Run config
- [CAM-14298] - Update Tomcat to latest version
- [CAM-14313] - Document system permission resource id
- [CAM-14326] - Pipeline should log when it doesn't generate stages because the same type failed previously
- [CAM-14328] - Update min-dash to >= 3.8.1 in the webapps
- [CAM-14346] - Announce environment changes with 7.17 in docs
- [CAM-14347] - Remove retired environment support with 7.17 from docs
- [CAM-14354] - Improve Javadoc in authorization and permissions
- [CAM-14355] - In examples, adjust parse listener plugin README to current implementation
- [CAM-14371] - Rename Wildfly distribution in Download
- [CAM-14373] - Rename Camunda Platform to Camunda Platform 7
- [CAM-14378] - Improve ManagementServiceGetTelemetryDataTest
- [CAM-14379] - Update Jackson to 2.13.1
- [CAM-14406] - Create new Enterprise content page - CSM Portal
- [CAM-14409] - Drop Jersey 1.x and refactor Widlfly REST compatibility Maven profiles
- [CAM-14412] - Reduce heap memory use for surefire tests on JDK 8 in the Run core module
- [CAM-14418] - Release external-task-client-js
- [CAM-14431] - Update form-js to 0.7.0
- [CAM-14435] - Cover managed server setup for WLS 14 in CI
- [CAM-14436] - Review Quick Start tutorial
- [CAM-14452] - Improve Camunda Docker image documentation
- [CAM-14464] - Update E2E tests to reflect Diagnostics feature
- [CAM-14468] - Update Docker images to Alpine 3.13.8
- [CAM-14470] - Enable remote debug in Camunda Wildfly Docker image
- [CAM-14488] - Move cargo-maven2-plugin to cargo-maven3-plugin
- [CAM-14495] - Remove default value in the Camunda Docker JAVA_OPTS variable
- [CAM-14505] - DB Prefix Webapp Unit tests fail with H2-related exception
- [CAM-14510] - Add Wildfly 26 to list of supported environments in announcements docs
- [CAM-14528] - Release camunda-external-task-client-js 2.2.0
- [CAM-13930] - Prepare codebase for next development version
- [CAM-14027] - Remove environments no longer supported with 7.16
- [CAM-14028] - Remove code related to environments no longer supported with 7.16
- [CAM-14029] - Remove documentation for environments no longer supported
- [CAM-14063] - I can request platform information via Java API
- [CAM-14064] - I can request platform information via REST API
- [CAM-14065] - Create SYSTEM permission
- [CAM-14067] - In Admin I can configure SYSTEM permissions for users
- [CAM-14068] - I can request platform information via the Camunda Webapps
- [CAM-14081] - Rename JBoss AS7 webapps
- [CAM-14095] - Extend basic functionality for multi-layer Processes
- [CAM-14096] - Adjust Migration View
- [CAM-14097] - On Process Definition View, there are no Badges on Subprocess shapes
- [CAM-14098] - adjust Heatmap
- [CAM-14099] - Selection behavior
- [CAM-14100] - Allign Callactivity Badges with Cawemo
- [CAM-14101] - Incident Badges
- [CAM-14102] - Tasklist: allign with new functionality
- [CAM-14103] - Update to major bpmn-js version
- [CAM-14107] - Backend exists
- [CAM-14108] - First iteration of frontend exists
- [CAM-14123] - UI/UX is improved
- [CAM-14133] - Documentation for drilldown Exists
- [CAM-14150] - Documentation exists
- [CAM-14165] - Tech writer review
- [CAM-14207] - Write documentation for new SYSTEM permission
- [CAM-14231] - Request the new license book
- [CAM-14232] - Test standalone Webapps
- [CAM-14233] - Migrate the "Quick Start" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-14234] - Migrate the "DMN" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-14235] - Migrate the "RPA Orchestration" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-14236] - Migrate the "Spring Boot" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-14237] - Migrate the "Spring Framework" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-14238] - Migrate the "Java" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-14239] - Migrate the "JavaEE" Getting Started Guide
- [CAM-14240] - Adjust & Migrate "BPMN 2.0" Examples
- [CAM-14241] - Adjust & Migrate "Deployment & Project Setup" Examples
- [CAM-14242] - Adjust & Migrate "Plugin & Model API" Examples
- [CAM-14243] - Adjust & Migrate "Webapps" Examples
- [CAM-14244] - Adjust & Migrate "Misc" Examples
- [CAM-14245] - Adjust & Migrate "Spring Boot" Examples
- [CAM-14246] - Adjust & Migrate "External Task" Examples
- [CAM-14247] - Adjust & Migrate "Assert" Examples
- [CAM-14248] - Adjust and migrate Archetypes
- [CAM-14249] - Update Unit Test Template
- [CAM-14250] - Update German Webapp translations
- [CAM-14251] - Edit update guide
- [CAM-14252] - Update screenshots
- [CAM-14253] - Release all upstream side projects
- [CAM-14254] - Update the Entity Relationship Diagrams in the docs
- [CAM-14255] - Replace forms in Getting Started Guides by Camunda Forms
- [CAM-14256] - Write blog post
- [CAM-14257] - Write side projects blog post
- [CAM-14258] - Release all downstream side projects
- [CAM-14259] - Release Docs Phase 2
- [CAM-14260] - Migrate Examples
- [CAM-14261] - Write tag for the adjusted examples repository
- [CAM-14262] - Create new branches
- [CAM-14263] - Migrate Getting Started Guides
- [CAM-14264] - Release Docs Phase 3
- [CAM-14279] - Show registered deployments in Admin UI
- [CAM-14280] - I can request registered deployments via REST API
- [CAM-14295] - Backend exists
- [CAM-14296] - Evaluate which third-party library to choose for CSV mapping
- [CAM-14297] - Evaluate how the structure of the SQL query should look like regarding ideal performance and maintainability
- [CAM-14320] - Evaluate whether to choose a home-grown CSV writer or a third-party library
- [CAM-14360] - Add jenkins stages for jdk17
- [CAM-14361] - camunda-spin java 17 support
- [CAM-14363] - platform/engine-dmn jdk17 support
- [CAM-14364] - platform/engine jdk17 support
- [CAM-14365] - platform/engine-plugin-spin jdk17 support
- [CAM-14366] - platform/engine-rest jdk17 support
- [CAM-14367] - Clean up updated dependencies
- [CAM-14368] - platform/engine-cdi jdk17 support
- [CAM-14376] - Update docs
- [CAM-14377] - Update Jackson to >= 2.12.6 in Spin
- [CAM-14384] - platform-ee/webapp-plugins
- [CAM-14389] - platform/webapps jdk17 support
- [CAM-14398] - Frontend exists
- [CAM-14400] - camunda-bpm-rpa-bridge-ee jdk17 support
- [CAM-14405] - Documentation exists
- [CAM-14413] - Release camunda-spin 1.14.0
- [CAM-14414] - Release camunda-bpm-assert 14.0.0
- [CAM-14416] - Move Webapps to JAX RS 2 API
- [CAM-14419] - Wildfly integration
- [CAM-14420] - Enforce to use Jackson instead of Moxy for the Weblogic Webapps
- [CAM-14428] - Add indices
- [CAM-14449] - Documentation for Admin exists
- [CAM-14457] - Merge junit5-extension into Camunda Platform
- [CAM-14458] - Merge camunda-bpm-assert into Camunda Platform
- [CAM-14459] - For JUnit 5 extension and Camunda Platform Assert use the assertJ version from the currently supported Spring Boot version
- [CAM-14460] - Adjust documentation for Assert and JUnit 5 extension
- [CAM-14461] - Migrate exmples from camunda-bpm-junit5 and camunda-bpm-assert
- [CAM-14462] - Make JUnit 5 extension feature-equal with JUnit 4 rule
- [CAM-14487] - Evaluate how to support multiple Spring Boot versions with different AssertJ library versions
- [CAM-14498] - Migrate unit test template
- [CAM-14532] - Adjust & Migrate "Quarkus" Examples
- [CAM-14534] - Deactivate assert master branch
- [CAM-14535] - Archive JUnit 5 community extension
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